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Show HOUSE WORK Thousands of American w)men In pur homos nro daily sacrificing Ihcir lives to duty. In order to kcon tho homo neat and pretty, tho children well dressed and tidy, women overdo. A feinalo weakness or displacement Is often brouclitonnndthoysuirerin silence, drifting along from bad to worse, knowing well that they ought to havo holp to overcome tho pains and aches which daily mako lifoaburden. It is to theso faithful women that LYDIAE.PINKHAWS VEGETABLE COMPOUND comes as a boon and a blessing, ns it did to Mrs. F. Ellsworth, of Mayvillo, N. Y., and to Mrs. W. P. Boyd,of Beaver Falls, Pa., who say: "I was not ablo to do my own work, owing to tho female trouble from which I suffered. Lydia E. Plnklmm's Vegetable Vege-table Compound helped mo wonderfully, and I am so well that I can do as big a day's work a I ever did. I wish every sick woman .vouid try It. I - FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. link-ham's link-ham's Vcgctaolo Compound, mado i from roots and horbs, has been tho standard remedy for fomalo ills, and has positively cured thousands ot women who havo been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulceration, ulcera-tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, ixjriodio pains, backache, that lcar-ing-down feeling, flatulency, indigos-tion,dizziness,or indigos-tion,dizziness,or nervous prostration. "Why don't you try it? Mrs. Plnklmm invites nil sick women to wrlto her for ntlvico. Hlio has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Don't worry about your complexion-take complexion-take Garfield Tea, the Herb laxatlvo and blood-purifier) An improvement will bo seen in a week. ONLY ONK "IIHOSIO GUININK" That I. fJk.XA.TlVU IIUOMUyUININK. .bunk for lb alg-nature ol H. W. UI10VIS. UmkI llw World orertoCuroaOuldlnOneDujr, SSc. WORN OUT WOMEN Will Find Encouragement In Mrs. Mer-rltt's Mer-rltt's Advice. Mrs. W. L. Morritt, 207 S. First Ave., Anoka, Minn., says: "Last win- . tor I began to suf- H(r2flttP-k. fcr wit" my kidneys. lftNgkflft I had pains In my QJKgfiSV back nnd hips and jMk folt all worn out. eattcSF D'"y spoils both- 3iw crci1 mo nn '10 Vt&H kldnoy secretions X'lMlL. wcro Irregular. Tho rSsffS- nr8t 003C Doan's 'Whl(W Kidney Pills brought "A&tfilt decided relief. I nm Biiro they would do tho snmo for any othor woman suffering as I did." Sold by all dealors. CO cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Moravian Darley and Speltz, two great eercnl, makes growing nnd fattening fat-tening hoes nnd cattle possible in Dak., Mont., Id-i., Colo., yen. everywhere, nnd add to above Salzer'n lliliion Dollar Gram, the 12 ton Hay wonder Tfconiiite, which producCH FO ton of green fodder per aero, Kmperor William Oat prodigy, etc., nnd other rare farm feed that tlicy offer. JUBT CUT THIS OUT AND I1F.TU1IN IT with 10c In tnmp. for packing, etc., to the John A. Sailer Seed Co., La Crowe, Wis., ami get their big catalog nnd lots of farm eccd tampion. K. & W. Thome recipe for colds. Will Break Up a Cold In 24 Houro or Cure Any Cough That It Curable. Mix halt pint ot good whisky with two ounces ot glycerlno and add ono-half ono-half ounco Concentrated oil ot plno. Tho bot'.lo In to bo well shaken each tlmo and used In doses ot a teaspoon ful to a tablespoonful ovory four hours. Tbo Concentrated oil ot plno comes lu one-halt ounco vials packed securely In tin screw top ensos which nro Intended to protect It from light nnd retain all tho original ozono. It Is a product of tho laboratories ot tho Olobo Pharmaceutical Co., ot Dayton, Ohio, and Is guaranteed undor tho Na tlonnl Puro Food nnd Drug Act. Don't uso bulk oil ot plno or Imitations ot Concentrated. Thoy aro lnsolublo and work havoc to tho kldnoys. Any druggist drug-gist has tho Concentrated oil ot plno. How's This? We offar One Hundred lx,llar Hewanl for aoy ot Catarrh that cannot be cured b lieu a Catarrh Cure r. J. ciiKsnr co., Toledo, o. We. ttie und-nlgncd. bare known r J. Cbcnar for the Uit 13 run, and bellefa bin perfectly boo-orable boo-orable In all bualueia tranaaetlene and nnenrlelli able to carry out ear obligation! mado by hla arm. WaLnisn, Kinxim Miimx. Wholesale Druail.u, Toledo. O. Haifa Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucoua aurf ace a of the ajiiem. Teatlmonlala aeul free. 1'rlceTJcenu pel bottle. Rnldhral llrtlKlata. Take Hall's Fam ly l'llla fur eonitlpeUon. I ' Mrs. Wlnalovr's Soothing Hymn. , Tor children teething, aoftena tbe miraa, redueea ta- I aammaUon,ellajspaln,cureawlndoollu. SscebotUe. sf flrf ALfl$ & 4i i U ttttttt I "OUCH, OH MY BACK" H NEURALGIA, STITCHES, LAMENESS, CRAMP TWINGES, TWITCHES FROM WET OR DAMP H ALL BRUISES, SPRAINS, A WRENCH OR TWIST 1 THISSOVEREIGN REMEDYTHEYCAN'TRESIST H ST JACOBS OIL I Price 2Sc and 60o H fcv eataraaieaaaargaajaaaaHaiMuijauijjiiuiaais j .rfSSS&fcv sssssl W-4IBltataeaaAasSBiasasff&nlA "tjfi'JS. "J S B Br--- WM iu.,a ei- an SaTTy -M3j S D M amPSPnicts, rort evenv HP p "MBSHkatfi a sssfl "MfMBCnOFTHC FAMILY, Q V ""Wljf I H iSsB MEN, D0V9, WOMEN, MISOCS AND CHILOnCN. VM'STA. 8 i marPmSU.aO, SJ.UU mml S3.BOhoam "" fKmS,-t7.ff issssi than any ofior mnnufaclurar In tho - VVSJl V4sf 13&W sssssl gSy'wotla, bncauma lhay hold tholrX&j vWS!,'4y . ssssl sinKv fit better, wan lonpor. ana TJ3? WWeilP AiJr ssssl yZXa. aro of promtor vntuo than any oilier mar. H!i WJ ?&y ttrUu assll ahoom In tho world to-day. Htt-J toCtett&jS .,i"'. IH W. L Douglas $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot Bs Equalled Al Anj Pilco" ''- H anrUAUTIOM. W, f.nnnlaa name end irl la Mamrd on bottom. Tfc!ys)ailillfi;jf'. tM Boll by tliebnt (boa draWa rvrriwutte. buoeetnaU-1 Irora fartory lo.aji p't of tbe wolM, lllua. OjH tieted Catalog tree to any addma. W. I.. JMIUI1I.AH, llrocLimi, Atuaa. H SICK HEADACHE CARTERS ,i-IUMI;p,,t Qsjssj They alao rrllfre Dle- MHITTIP treaafromDyarila,ln- Oltfrrt dltrratlunatulTuolIearty ofi I V at. I Kstliia. A Ifrfect rem-Wi rem-Wi o A ') for Dliilneaa, Nnn- 4 rILLOa """n. Dronalnraa, Had Xt M Tnate In the Mouth, Coat- WHaaaaamam "l Tonguf, rain In thn iHlde, TOHPIO LIVEIt. They regulate the Ilowela. l'urely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMA1L DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Ipadtco'cI Ccnuino Musi Bear WiTTiE Fac-s,mlloS,Onaturo I SlSi &&& I I REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. FARM OPPORTUNITIES KM felem. Ore.. T,be Clwrry Cltj-im Dm braullfui K!llui"",,""r' 'lop. walnmanolfnill farm. twr rtUtoKW r acre, nm rtulry farma uit 11(0) lm. pruTp4 fannara ui CMI ler acre) tinlnitiriiTrd.U to fjh ktiruralnn ratea t.i halein In Marrli and .turn, t or Intunuatlon addreaa, Hoard of 1 m4e, Halem,Ore. DEFIWOE STIRCH!?Siarj other iurchi onlf U ounca tamo prlc iftd "DttFlANCr IB SUPERIOR QUALITY. SPOT GASH I FOR SOLDIERS AND HEIRS H All federal enMlera ami anilorewho wrrM Mdari ssssl titween M.l and lH4)and who bunjrateitdedle-l than ssssl JinarreabrforeJuheu.K;,ar.rntllledbiaddltlunal maaM ImiuealradnilbtaKlilolllbuy. If aoldlor ladead. bl. BaaM t?i'fen,",.71l'!'MinMler.wldowiiHihelra. ssssl jnd. tuoaoldler relallrewhn went Weal or Koulh aaam atler the war and bomebteaded aoreniment land. ssssl READERS tiSUWt I " """" " thing adTtrtlied In H hi column! thould Intltt upon hatlns H I what they aik lor, relutlnc all lubttl- afJB turn or ImitaUont. H mm, electrotypes I In fTMt vrlety fur t1 t th Iowt frtrM ty V H i.I,kVLUVUUKtnBrAriU(0.,1ItT.iJait.lUlMf H aamammmmmaamMaaaammmmmmaWaaamaammaaaametm0a H "JoTenleiThompsen't Eye Water I DEFIANCE STARCH VSSSSSSuJlSt I ' W. Nr U.1 Salt Lake City, No. 6, 1008. H Commissioner Smith vs. The Standard Oil Co. 1 I m From the Railway World, January j, goS. H Mr. Horbort Knox Smith, whoso zeal In tho cause of economic roform has boon In no wlso abated by tho panic which ho and hla kind did so much to bring on, Is out with nn answer to President MolTott, of tho Standard Oil Company Com-pany ot Indiana. Tbo publication of this answer. an-swer. It Is olllclally given out, was delayed eov-oral eov-oral weeks, "for business reasons," becauso It was not deemed advisable to further oxclto tho public mind, which was profoundly disturbed dis-turbed by tho crisis. Now that tho storm clouds have rolled by, however, the Commissioner Commis-sioner rushes again Into tho fray. Our rcadors remember that tbo chief points In tho Ubfcnco of tho Standard Oil Company, ns presented by President Moftott, wero (1) that tho dato of six cents on oil from Whiting to East St. Louis has been issued to tho Standard Oil Company as tho lawful rato by employes of the Alton, (2) that tho 18-cent rato on fllo with tholntcrstato Commerce Commission was a class and not n. commodity rato, nover being lntondod to apply to oil, (3) that oil was shipped In largo quantities between Whiting and East St. Louis over tho Chicago & Eastern East-ern Illinois at 6Y cents per hundred pounds, which has boon filed with the Interstate Com-mcrco Com-mcrco Commission as tho lawful rato, and (4) that tho 18-cent rato on oil was ontlroly out ot proportion to lawful rates on other commodities commodi-ties between theso points of a(slmllar character, char-acter, and of greater valuo, such, for oxamplo, as linseed oil, tho lawful rato on which was eight cents. President Moffett alto stated that thousands of tons ot freight had been sent by other shippers betweon theso points under substantially tho samo conditions as governed tho shipments of tho Standard Oil Company. This defenco ot tho Standard Oil Company was wldoly quoted and has undoubtedly exerted exert-ed a powerful Influence upon tho publlo mind. Naturally tho Administration, which has Btakcd the success of its campaign against tho "trusts" upon tho result ot Us attack upon this company, endeavors to offset this Inllu-onco, Inllu-onco, and henco the now dollvcrauco of Commissioner Com-missioner Smith Wo need hardly to point out that hla rebuttal rebut-tal argument lb extremely weak, although ns strong, no doubt, as tho circumstances would warrant IIo answors tho points mado by President Presi-dent Moffett substantially as follows: (1) The Standard Oil Company had a traffic department, and should havq known that tho six-cent rata had not been filed, (2) no answor, (3) tho Chicago Chi-cago & Eastern Illinois rato was a secret rato becauso It read, not from Whiting, but from Dolton. which Is described as "a. vlllago of about J, COO population just outslrt" of Chicago. Its only claim to note Is that It has been for many years tho point of origin for this and similar sccrot rales," Tho Commissioner admits ad-mits In describing this role that thoro was a 'oto attached stating that tho rato could also bo used from Whiting, ' The press has quite generally lmllcd Ills statement of thn Commissioner ot Corpora. ttons un a conclusive refutation of what Is ovl- , dently recognized as thu strongest rcbattat Argument advanced hy tho Standard. ? In fact, It Is as weak and Inconclusive ns tho remainder of his argument, Tbo linos of tho Chicago & Eastern Illinois do not run Into Chicago. Thoy termlnato at Dolton, from which point cntranco Is mado over tho Ilelt Lino. Whiting, whoro tho oil freight originates, Is not on tho lines of tho Chicago & Eastorn Illinois, which rucolvcs Its Whiting freight from tho Dolt Lino nt Dolton. Tho former practlco, now discontinued, In filing tariffs was to mako them road from a point on tho lino of tho filing fil-ing road, and It was also general to stato on thu samo shoot, that tho tariff would apply to other points, o. g., Whiting. Tho Chicago & Eastern Illinois followod this practlco In filing Its rato from Dolton, and making a noto on the sheet that Is applied to Whitings This was in 1895 whon this method ot filing tariffs was In common uso. Now lot us seo In what way tbe Intending Bhlppcr of oil could be misled and docclvod by the fact that Uio Chicago & Eastern IlllnolB had not fllod a -Qto reading from Whiting. Commissioner S -h contonds that "concealment "conceal-ment Is tho onlj motlvo for such a circuitous arrangement," 1. e., that this method ot filing tho rato was Intendod to mislead Intending competitors ot tbo Standard 01) Company. Supposo such a prospective oil reflnor had 'applied 'ap-plied to tho Intorstato Commerce Commission for tho rate from Chicago to East St. Louis over tho Chicago & Eastern Illinois, ho would havo been Informed that tho only rato fllod with tbo commission by this company was C'4, cents from Dolton, nnd ho would havo been further Informed, if Indeed he did not know this nlready, that this rato applied throughout Chicago torrltory. Bo that whether ho wished to localo bis plant at Whiting, or anywhere olso about Chicago, under an arrangement of long standing, nnd which applies to all the Industrial In-dustrial towns In tho neighborhood ot Chicago, Chica-go, ho could have bis freight delivered qver tho Delt Lino to tho Chicago & Eastorn Illinois Illi-nois at Dolton and transported to East St, Louis at a rato of OVi cents. Where thpn Is tbo concealment which tho Commissioner ot Corporations makes bo much ofT Any rnto . from Dolton on tho Eastern Illinois or Chap-pell Chap-pell on tho Alton, or Uarvoy on tho Illinois Central, or Iliuo Island on the Itock Island, applies throughout Chicago territory to shipments ship-ments from any other point In tho district. So far from the Eastorn Illinois filing Its rato from Dolton In order to decclvo tho shipper. It Is tho Commissioner of Corporations who cither betrays his gross Ignorance of transpor-tntlon transpor-tntlon customs In Chicago territory or relies on tho publlo Ignorance ot theso customs to deccvo tho public too apt to accept unqucs-tlonlngly unqucs-tlonlngly every statement made by a Government Govern-ment olllclal as necessarily true, although, as In tho present Instance a careful examination shows theso statements to bo false. The final point mndo by President Moffett that other commodities of a character similar to'oll wcro carried at much lower rates thnn 18 cents, tho Coinmlstloiior of Corporations dlsciUKPn only with 'p rumArk Hint "the 'reasonableness' ot thls'rnto Is not lit quostlo. Tho question Is whether this rnto constituted a discrimination as against other shippers of till," and ho also makes much of tho fa'lilro ot President Moffett to prcduco befora the grand Jury evidence of the alleged Illegal acts of Which tho Standard Oil official said that other largo shippers In the torrltffry had boon guilty. M Considering the fact that those shippers In- M eluded tVo packers and elevator men ot Chi- H cago tho action ot tho grand Jury In calling M upon Prosldont Moffett to furnish evidence ot H their wrong-doing may bo Interpreted as a do- H mand for an elaboration of tho obvious; but H tho fact that a rate-book containing those H freight fates for other Bhlppors was offorcd In H cvldonco during tbe trial and ruled out by H Judgo Landls, was kopt out of sight, Presl- H dent Moffett would not, of course, accept tho H invitation ot tho grand Jury although ho might H havo been pardoned If ho had reforrcd them M to various olllclal Investigations by tbo Inter- slnto Commorco Commission and othor do- partments of thq Government Wo como back, thoroforo, to tho conclusion M of tbo whole- matter, which Is that tbo Stand- H ord Oil Company of Indiana was flnod art M amount equal to sovon or eight times tbe val- uo ot its cntlro property, because Its traffic ,JH department did not vorlfy the statement ot jaW tho Alton rate clork, that tho six-cent commod- tf" H Ity rato on oil had boon properly fllod with tho " I Interstate Commerce Commission. Thore Is no H evldenco, nnd nono was introduced at tho trial, H that any shipper of oil from Chicago torrltory H had been Interfered with by tho 18-cent rato H nor that tho falluro of tho Alton to fllo Its six- H cent rate had resulted In any discrimination H against any Independent shipper, we must H tnko tbls on tho word of tbo Commissioner H of Corporations and of Judgo Landls. Neither H is It denied oven by Mr. Smith that tho "indo- H pendent" shipper of oil, whom bo pictures an H balug drlvon out of business by this dlscrtm- H (nation of tho Alton, could havo shipped all H tho oil ho desired to ship from Whiting via H Dolton over tho lines of tho Chicago & East- ' 'B cm Illinois to East St Louis. In short, Presl- H dent Moffatt's defence Is still good, and wo H predict will bo bo declared by the higher court. H Tho Standard Oil Company has been charged H with all manner ot crimes nnd misdemeanors. H Ileglnnlng with the famous Itlco of Marietta, H passing down to that apostlo of popular llbor- H tics, Henry Domarcst Lloyd, with his Wealth H Against Uio Commonwealth, descending by H easy stages to Miss Tnrboll's offensive person- H allttes, wo finally reach tho iiothcr dopths ot ' H unfair and baseless misrepresentation In tho H report of the Commissioner ot Corporations. . H Tbo Standard has been chnrged with every H form ot commercial piracy nnd with most of H tho crimes on tho corporation calendar. After H long years of strenuous attack, under the H leadership ot tho Prcsldont ot tbo United - H States, tho corporation Is at last dragged to H tho bar of Justlco to answer for Us misdoings. Tho wholo strength of tho Government Is ill- H rectod against It, and at last, wo nro told, tho H Standard Oil Company Is to pay tho ponalty or H Its crimes, and it Is finally convlctod of hav- H lng failed to voilfy tho statement of a rato H clork and Is forthwith, flntjd a prodigious sum,' H measured by iho car. Under tho old criminal H law, tho theft of property worth moro than 'a shilling was punlshahlo by' death. Under tho ' ' H Interpretation of tho Inlerstalo Commnrcq law' ' '4 V by Theodore UoosqvoH find Judge Konqsawo Wk I-nndls. a technical error ot a traffic orrtcial Is H mado the excuse for tho confiscation of a vast H amount of' property. M .... r . "2M |