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Show H fcl I -I ! I MX 'f H ." " "" T M -f L. H. QRAY, H Land Attorney. H -f Attend to all business beforo 1 United States Land Omco, , U- S. Survoyor-aonoral, ' " BUte Land Board, j -f Btato Engineer. ,-t H Hall Lake Cltr. Utah. H !f, 44--f:4- B . :. 9m Curious Compound Capsules conv H bine the virtues of Big a, Pabst O. K., H Santat Pepsin, and sell for $1.25 a H box. Mall orders promptly attended H to. Doull Drug Co., Distributors, J8 M Main (It, Salt Lake City. H None genuine without the trade H mark tho burlaw D. THKKCt LEY CURE. Drunkenness Cured. A poaltlvo an I permanent euro for drunkennoss and the opium d' east-it. Thero Is no publicity, no sickness. Li dies treated as prl-rately prl-rately as at Uiclr own homes. The Keoley Institute, 334 W Ba Tea. plo. Bait Lake City, Utah. f unique! jziwis. 1 I enjoyabiei i':l::i:i 1 HEALTHFULl "V.ETS ft SALT LAKH HOT SPRINM I Sanitarium I DA 1 tlD Salt Lata City ; ft, Buttw iwi N ftimOl w m a4 M-tr w un, BU UU rV Eh H waft v yMla mk I AMBvMHtBakirnUUM4Mv jda J 7HsKPsbbK35SKSS:9H I pnocunEDaNDDcrEfiDCD..''"i'''i'i.H U ilnuMlitf (rlliuUj,IuresKiliwrtuiuulirferrpnrt.pfl Irvtt iblflns how to obtain itrnu, tmto nuulctlj coyjrldLUv cto, r( ALL COUNTRIES. H JlHstiut$ Jlrrtl Kith Washington tavtt W,H money am rflen tkt patent, H Pitcntand Infringement Praetlcs Exctuilvely. I Wrlta or corns to ui at OU Ut Strut, opp. TS&IU4 SUto fiUat OOei.l fjj WASHINGTON, P. C. BfBrar. WF . w HI iTBssrsM IssiiiVtijrijiiilM Utah Lumber Co.! Everything in the BuildingfLine Send Us Your Orders. 255 West South TemplelStreet, Salt 1 Lake City. 1 H! I k i I at clud I H LiH m mm m fai H j , mm J will take your subscription H H ' H H for any Magazine, Newspaper or Rj M H H save HW B ' H H you money, time and trouble. s H i P Lp j "" ..fffhi.i'dH ;, mml fWuy'''l I J f.j.niw s I 2408 Washington Ave., I II f ''' Ogden, Utah.i ! : Bargains in Real Estate. j If Good Investments! j I ijJeW" Sell for you! A B '" asJKSffe0 1 Th VCry 1(ltCSt ln I ' ii.SI SeWn8 Machine li BllllPlli Furniture. H1' Sr'MW AUTOMATIC LIFTi M SBBlaglJg' Send for SEWINGi MACHINE H -ssinimM 1 1 i M .?JWlEWWHKHKtWHKVItKWW H 1 PLACE YOUR EYES IN OUR HANDS. S H 1 We Art Here. jK J H I Mmaa Yr 4V891 ''h' P'"r 9P"" S H IsilsMMlilrtstjtjiUtiHMttHis wiiB Tht " ,,l,,, ; I Ml9xander-Dibhle Co. H ; ? Formerly Alexander Oytlcil Co. ' ' c iK iM414 Atlas Blek, 8al Lake City. Both Phones 44U, H w ' R'K8fillK!MCiX& ' 'KwHHKtwHiiiitjuwtfc i J ? Lunches Put Up. V A Meals Served at ll Hours, a Phono, Ind. 2702. I ! The Delicatessen j A MRS. M. O. NIL8SON, Prop. ? HOME COOKING MEAL8 25C. 0ltD V South Tcmplo St.. I Salt Lake City & --e--ej-e"---9 JLa Court. mmmmW J I Nicely Furnished Rooms. T f Single or In Sulto. AnntCB, 60c, 76c and $1.00 per day A I Steam Heat lnd. Phono 2449. 9 J. A. BENSON, Prop. 47 East First South Street. & Model Dye WorRs. j 143 8outh West Temple. t Indies nnd Gents' Clothing! Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired. Laces Silks, Gloves, Fancy Goods, Port tloros, Woolens, DraporleB. otc. I C .C DONNAIU), Mnnuger Uoth Phones 2193 1 French Ucnzol Dry Cleaning nndj Dry Dyeing a Specialty y HaanwwwwwMaw) .Niawa7t ; --'-"- - -OI f Eltctrlc Ll.Mi. Bathi. y" Hot 2 Cold Water, a I THE CRESCENT. i Mrs. Burt Phillips, Prop. L 4 BATES from 50c to 91.50 per Day. 329 Jf, Stall St. SALT LAKE CITY ?1 .. - -- K )seeeieBieiei.iiaiieieBneeeieieeisiiipisii focqgi P tf I THE MIDLAND J t Neatly Furnished Rooms. V 4 MRS. MARY MARRIOTT. A I PROfHIETOR 7 44 V. 1st. South, Salt LaKe City. I yie-e--e-e-e-s-0---OK " ir j.J Local representa W&nteU tlvo for Stockton and vicinity to look after renewals and Increaso subscription sub-scription lUt of a prominent monthly magazlno, on a salary and commission commis-sion basts, Exporlonco desirable, but not necessary. Good ooportunlty for right person. Address Publisher, Box 69, Station O, Now York. A BEAUTIFuL COMPLEXION Now Revealed. FREE What beadty ia more deslrablo than an exqulslto complexion and elegant Jewels, An. opportunity fo'r every woman wo-man to obtain, both, for a limited tlmo ouly. The directions' nnd recipe for obtaining ob-taining n faultloss complexion Is tho secret long guarded by tho master minds of tbo ORIENTALS and CRi;i3KS. This we obtnlnod nftor years of. work and at great expense. It Is tho method used by tho fairest and most bcautltul women of Europe. Hundreds of Amorlcan women who now use It havo expressed their do-light do-light and satisfaction. This secret is onslly indorstood mid Blmplo to follow and It will savo you tho expense of creams, cosmottcs, bleaches nnd forever glvo you n beautiful beau-tiful complexion and free your kln from pimples, bad color, blackheads, etc. It nlono Is worth to you many times tho prlco wo aslc you to send for tbo gcnulno diamond ring of lat-st lat-st dedgu. Wo si' you this ring ns ono small roflt nbo.o manufacturing cost, Tbo prlco Is less than ono-half what others charge, Tho reclpo Is freo with every ev-ery ring. It la a genuine roso cut diamond ring of sparkling brilliancy absolutely absolute-ly guaranteed, very dainty, shaped ko n Belcher with Tiffany setting of JlKt. gold shell, n't your local Jew-c-ler It would cost considerable moro than $2.00. Wo mail you this beautiful complexion com-plexion recipe froo when your order la received for ring nnd $2.00 In money mon-ey order, stamps or bills. Get your order ln beforo our supply Is exhausted. ex-hausted. This offer Is made for a limited tlmo only as a means of advertising and Introducing our goods. Send today beforo this opportunity li forgotten. T. C. MOSELEY. 2 East 23rd Street, New York City. Ilpfffijffl Magnetic Healing rfflHKS Practically applied In tho treatment 3t tiifPBt'fS and euro of ntl diseases and correc- v PreiWswB5ar' den and wl,e- Graduates of tho Welt- VSOBKJb'-if known dlseaso cured without drugs or SJPfvMKt'K tbo uso of tho knife. Rheumatism 'sVjSisisari relieved as If by Magic. Female dls- 9$$mmmm c'"8 Wn" kindred diseases cured mjmWmmSm ln fr""1 nk t0 ton da'8' Asthma and WWfmsmM n" bronchial troubles yield quickly 'Every knawu UMcnso that Is curonblo cun positively bp heal- , i ed h" our methods. DON'T DE A SKEPTIC, i But Investigate, C- and then yon won't say I'm from Missouri, for wo are hero to Jjr show you. Tho Woltmer School can bIiow n larger percentage . ' ' of pcrmnnot cures thnn nny qthor Institution of healing In tho 9L I world. Como and Beo us. C'oimultntlon free GEORGE HARNDEN AND WIFE, S SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. Room 35. Bourd of Trade, t Stoves New & Second-Hand. GUARANTEED. afes ' I ORDERS 3di. JSOLICITED WESTERN FURNITlmETb., 242.254256 So. Stato St., Salt Lake City, Utah. METAL SIGNS & METAL RAISED LETTERS-METAL LETTERS-METAL & GLASS ELECTRIC SIGNS a LETTERS." CilfOWing ! UTAH ! r li I BUSINESS I Kapidly. j college Now Is tho tlmo to enter and securo a Business Training ln the Best Business School ln tho West. Now quarters, most control location, experienced faculty, commodious, well-lighted rooms, up-todato courses. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION. Business Shorthand, English nnd Penmanship Courses. Wrlto for terms, etc-, mention tins paper. Address UTAH BU8INESS COLLEGE, 21 West First South 8treet. Jennings Block, Salt Lnko City, fg.., , |