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Show MENTION1 AND Notebook Convenience. Tho arm rest that tho bookkeeper finds bo useful in wrltWc up his accounts ac-counts has been duplicated In modified form for the henoflt of tho individual who has to uso a notebook to any ox-tent. ox-tent. Many collectors, solicitors and others having work of a similar character char-acter are required to mako frequent entries in pockot-size notebooks whtlo resting theso olther on their hands or knees. This Is obviously very Inconvenient, Incon-venient, and a German Inventor has devised an Improvement In notebooks which b believes overcomes this difficulty, dif-ficulty, at least, to a great extent In-Bldo In-Bldo tho book cover ho provides wlro guides oxtcndlng lengthwise Upon theso guides a stiff handrcst slides, having Its edges so arranged that It cannot bo entirely dlscngngcd. Two ot these bandrcsts aro provided, ono on each cover. When not In uso they nro concealed by tho book cover. In making entries tho upper portions ot tho noto leaves tho handrcst Is not essential, but when these entries havo to bo mado on th lower halt of the leaf their uso docs much to facllltato neatness nnd legibility. Tho stenographer's stenog-rapher's familiar notebook accomplishes accom-plishes much tho samo result by simply sim-ply binding tho leaves on tho short end nnd manipulating tho leaf upon w'hlch tho record Is being mado so .that tho hand is never without support sup-port Chain on the Rule. The carpenter probably uses his two-foot rulo about as often as any other tool and accordingly mislays it a proportionately larger number of times. If ho docs not mislay It, It Is lost by falling from his pocket, oven though up-to-dato ovoralls havo a bpo-clal bpo-clal pocket designed as a. rulo receptacle. recep-tacle. An Ingenious Now York man, howovcr, proposes to manufacture rules in which tho main joint, or hinge, carries a stom and loop do-signed do-signed to bo attached by any of the common methods to tho suspender buttons. It tho mechanic's wife docs oui koep Ills ntlsiii-ntirrlUUuiiD oj. to tho regulation number, he, of course, can utlllzo any other button that Is convenient. Tho attaching device Is much llko that used on tho key chains that hnd such a voguo several years ago, and which still constitutes a staple sta-ple article of trado of tho small peddler. ped-dler. Tho stem and loop are so designed de-signed that they do not lntorfero with tho opening ot tho rulo members to their fullost extent In other respects tho rulo docs not differ from tho standard stand-ard article. Tho New York Inventor of this Improvement in design claims Q that its embodiment docs not inter-foro inter-foro with tho convenient nnd ready uso ot any rulo. New Tortota Obtervatory. Tho now observatory of physical astronomy as-tronomy nt Tortosa, in Catalonia, la ono of tho finest of tho kind. Ono of tho chief objects of tho nuthorltles of tho new institution is to discover tho rotations which may exist between magnetic, electric nnd solar disturbances. disturb-ances. Theso phonoracna aro to bo registered at onco and regularly bo thoy may bo studied Bcrlously. Of tho soven buildings In the establishment two are dovoted to magnetism, ono ot which Is reserved for Instruments of variation and tho other Is used for ab soluto determinations. Another or tho buildings Is devoted to meteorology and electricity, another to Boismology, nnd ono pavilion Is entirely given over to physical astronomy. All these various var-ious departments aro well supplied with tho most modern apparatus and Inventions for the study ot tho various subjects, and all that is now desired Is a monthly record of tho work of this observatory for tho benefit of tho world at largo. Wireless Teltgraph to Isthmus. An attractlvo field for wireless telegraphy has been opened up by tho organization of tho Panama canal pro; cct Officials aro considering tho feasibility of establishing wireless ccunectlon between Now Orleans and tho bthmus. Between thoso places thero Is a cloar seaway ot 1,300 miles, through tho gulf ot Mexico tad tho Caribbean sea. |