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Show I MERCUR LOCAL ITEMS. i-1 Mayor I.uft has been elected secre-) secre-) f tnry of the Utah Druggists Assoclntlon. Head the ndvertlHemont of the Agrl-I'tiltuntl Agrl-I'tiltuntl College In this Issue. No better bet-ter school In America. I The II. Y. University had n couple of missionaries working up the Inter-i Inter-i ests of that institution In these parts. Messrs. Andolln and Anderson. o J The University of Utnh has an excellent ex-cellent school for mining men. Mln-f Mln-f v- i rrs, If you want to follow your profe. jj' W '?" sl6iiaJntelllgcntlyrsnurcMr-uiir time" fliTfflclent to take a course In the University Uni-versity School of Mines. x Nos, from 1 to 111 will bo permitted to mnko entry August 28, from 112 to 222, August 29; 223 to 333, August 30: 331 to -III, August 31. To make entry September 1, numbers from 415 to 555. Above this number Is hardly worth drawing for. Mr. K. S. Krtman Is manager of the 1'luhmi Park, and Is doing nil he can to make this place of amusement popular popu-lar its ever. The affairs of the com inny have been settled, mid Mr. (iour-!' (iour-!' has stepped out, turning the business busi-ness over to the new coinp my. .'5 Si The Ut llni'i Stock company Is again I In the Held and Is deserving the p.i- i. -ullage of the public. Last week I hoy I presented "New Kngluml Folks," a piny in four nets, on the I'ark stage, mill "Shore Ai'ies" was never better presented In Salt like. K, A. Martin .is N,it Merry anil (J. II. Melford ns Dr Sam Warren, sustained their n I ready liistly-denerved excellent lepiitnlloil und rriink CWytou iih Martin llerry wis KUpeilor to the same p-irt lepre-Hcnted lepre-Hcnted on the Salt Lake stage by an ull-rtnr company. Tho company will uppenr In tho Lyric Theatro and we iidvlse all our friends to make It an object to see this company before they go on tho road. |