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Show No Love of God ln(a Footr'. H Dr. Charles I'arMmrst of New York Hj believes In people saying lust what H thoy mean, and says he has a horror H of footnotes. "V'hcnovor I seo a foot- H noto," he Bays. "1 am always remind- H od of a certain Preshytorlan church H meeting. Ono statute drawn up per- H talned to the lovo ot tho Almighty, H and It was stated In the rigid, old- H fashioned Presbyterian style, with H moro ot sternness than lovo In It. H Ono of tha more gontlo Presbyterian HI brethren suggested that a foot-note bo H addod, mitigating somewhat the H harsher statement. Thon up jumped H tho nov. Dr. Howard Crosby. "I ob- H Ject, gentlemen,' he said. 'I will not H have the love of God put In a foot- HI note.' " H |