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Show """ PLAYING THE DA8S DRUM. Takes Musician to Handle the Instrument Instru-ment Properly "The bass drummer Is one of the most Important members of a baud," said David I Clark, of Chicago, at the Planklngton. "I am selling musical Instruments, and I toll you that tho music furnished by a band depends as much upon tho quality and playing ot tho big bass drum as upon the quality and playing of nny one Instrument Tho best bass drummer In tho world to-day Is a Philadelphia man I cannot can-not think ot his nnmo Just now, although' al-though' I know It as well as I know ray o.w;vr-and' hp gets as high a salary as any musician In tho world who Is not a" soloist. Tho" bcatof tho bass drum Is tho very tmckbonp of music. It It Is In tho least uncVtaln or wavering tho rest of tho hand "wftr bo uncertain and wavering and tho result would bo discord. Thcro Is a great difference In drums, too. It depends upon the material and tho workmanship In manufacture A poor drum may havo will soon becomo dead and flat, while tho right tone for a short time, but It a good Instrument will, llko a violin, Improvo with age." Mllwaukeo Wisconsin. |