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Show LANDSCAPE If A SAZCER To tho stay-at homes who cannot de-part de-part to summer retreats thero comes a dainty gardon In mlnlatttro, nnd n Jspaneso garden at that as perfect"iff lamlscapo ns can bo found In tho Cat-skills, Cat-skills, constructed by deft brown fingers fin-gers In a shallow porcelain bowl only six lnchos across. Tho prices aro not prohlbltrto To niortest specimens of Japancso mlnla. turo gardening. Tho shops ask $3 for gardens In terra cotta pots and tho prices range further from JC to fancys prices for splendid specimens In shallow shal-low porcolaln dlshos, which aro veryi artistic In themselves. The, tiny plants nnd dnarf shrubs that go to mako up these fairy gardens gar-dens come, from Japan, but very fow aro Imported In their entirety because of tho freight rates and customs duties. du-ties. Thero aro many Japancfio hero who do tho work. i Tho beauties of these gardens cannot can-not bo appreciated at a casual glance. They aro verltablo cameos that have to bo studied. Consequently, they aro now proving very populnr for dining room tables, and wholo sets of them Me used nt banquets, Vl'clr charms llo In tho fact that In a spae ",iiy six Inches across a perfect per-fect landsca illusion Is displayed that would drlvo sivn tho American property man nnd scono f.h.stcr wild with, ciivy. Tho Illusion Is nttalncd by winding llttlo gravel paths that clrclo In and out among tho tiny plants until they nro lost In tho mnze of dwnrf trees. ,New York Herald. |