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Show Local. & News Itc-ns I, CUR NEIGHBORS AND OURSELVES On the e lug of TliRiikfglMl'B iln n inaugurate ba,ll will bo gheii I" tin 'i-:iit-li". ' Commies havn Jnen nt curt j lnmi Salt 1 alio Clt,,. -f .- Momlm t.e Hret enow uT-'tfu- statin bc-gnu i 111., up tho beautirjil In hi busy -. nits of Morcur and on Hit' Lai-minrp Lai-minrp tailing r.utr.p at the (loldun Gai ml'! , St H -X Friday nlglit. the SmIIi lnr., MuHJ will bo a "Uarl.et Fl-jM" fh'c-i b the li(lkn of the Maccsbec nt Social hall. ,A good time Is fully assured r-ery r-ery ll.ne the ladled of Mrirtir ha-le mi.i thing t-j ib wlthrntci lalu'UK. ' Siipeilnterdeiil tt, J Jtnddntr. of Iho Houerlne. who tins been siiffcrl'ig acutely fiom a cntnrrlial nffei-tlon of tin- hiad, was compelled to undergo an opt ration on Thursday to fcriirc 1 1 Her. Ho Is doing nlculy slnco the upeiatlon was performed. A carload of qtilcKsllvrr was ship-pid ship-pid from tho Sacramento Oohl Mining company's propeit a Met cur yesterday, yester-day, nnd, like thus. "Which havo pro-ceded pro-ceded It, the expectation Is that lr will bring isomuthlng like SIC.OOH Into the company's treasury. Tills means that the company will most likely pay n dividend along about the holidays ol 15,000. ' .t Tho board of directors of tho Consolidated Con-solidated Mercur have:. declared dividend divi-dend number 22, to the total amount of S25.U00. The- date of payment Is December 0, 'ho books closo the evening even-ing or November 2.1, and will reopen December 7. Tho property Is In the very best of shnpe, nnd the dividend will be a welcome piece of news at a time to near Christmas. |