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Show H sms aw H Through Service I I ST. LOUIS I I " I EAST I I I Missouri Pacific I J RAILWAY J THROUGH SCENIC I COLORADO I I I urnsm Missouri I H 9 SLEEPING CARS, I H OBSERVATION H H DINING CARS. H Electric lights, H electric Fans, H H reclininq chair cars H IIH Bj i (scats mtl IH M H UP-TO-DATE DAY C0ACHC3, M H H for Berths. Tickets, FaUers, tic, iddrtss B B H 3 H C.TOWNOCND, IH H PBi MM 1 MIMHMH U ' i 1 acltIT lOWtt, AVH B The Lond Distance Record, H THE "SCOTTY" SPECIAL. M 2,265 Miles Over Mountain and fl Plains In less than 45 hours, demon M stratlng that "Santa Fe" track, equip- ment and employees are of the de- B pendable kind. m Probably YOU wouldn't care to ride H co fast. You prefer the luxury of 3 V Regular Trains from Utah and Colo. H rado to Everywhere East and South- M Ask me for Ticket Rates and Lit- H erature. H C. P. WARRHNv M Qoncral Agent. V The Atchison, To'paka & Santa Fo H Railway Company. H 411 Dooly Dlock. ) j'i, Salt Lakp City, Utah. i To bo assurod of n pleasant trip cast, purchaso your tickets via the Illinois Central Railroad Rail-road from Omalin to Chicago First-class sorvlco also between Omaha mill M --incnpolls and Chicago and St I.ouIb, as well as all points In 'ho South and Southeast For full Information call on or write J. A. FOLEY, Commercial Agent, i Mo 75 West Second South Street. ; $5,000 Reward will be paid to any person who can find one atom of opium, chloral, morphine, cocaine, other or chloroform or their derivatives in any of Dr. Miles' Remedies. This reward is offered because be-cause certain unscrupulous persons make false statements about these remedies. It is understood that this reward applies only to poods purchased purch-ased in the open market, which have not been tampered with. Dr. Miles' remedies cure by their strengthening and invigorating invig-orating effect upon the nervous system, and not by weakening the nerves. "I consider Hint thero are no better remedies luit up thnn Dr. Miles" Nervine, Antl-Paln rills, nncl Nervo and Liver Tills. We) tiavo used them for years, nnd recommend them to mnny others. My wife. Is using th Nervine, and considers It ttio best medicine, In tho world, A lml y friend of mine, who was almost n total nervous nerv-ous wreck, through my earnest solicitation solici-tation lias Used several bottles of tho Nervlno with wonderful lesults." WM. CIIOMU, Bait Lako City, Utah. Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills are told by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first package will benefit. If It falls, he will return your money. 23 doses, 2S cents. Never sold In bulk. JAilesMcdical C0.4 Elkhart, Jnd M noil Tol. 755. indi Tci, 755i H DR. ALVAK LEVVI8. M SALT LAKE PRIVATE HOSPITAL. H THE ONLYTm&i v8HS.J?ft!; ".7d 0DSTETRICAL CASES. H TJIbj ONL STniCTLY I'MVATB HOSPITAL IN THE STATE. H No. 362 K. 1st youth. sH Bait Lake City TAYLOR, ROMNEY, ARMSTRONG CO. H Wholesale and Retail I LUMBER m DEALLRS H Corner South Temple and 2d West St. SALT LAKE CITY r- - UTAH I I ELIAS MORRIS CSL SONS CO. 1j H SALT LAKE CITY. Opposite faitiX Gala Tenpls Block. H X. MONUMENTS. HEADSTONES. w H 3 ' MANTELS. GRATES, TILES. '' H FIRE-PROOF CHIMNEYS CEMENT. ETC. I; H I Ittiftf1 DIvstratMl CatafegM Swt FfM. Write Ds. H iwn i( j -B for " clRr anywhero In tho country, H I t(l& nfSk VB vvhoro quality counts, la Riven tho H I ' Cjjjv , llStW U1" Vini by un)'ono who Knows B ' ' -1LLLJJi"JSkm Wllnt BJ ,obacco uni1 clover cigar H11H Is. SVu)H2sMsi9H r,ll""B combined will tlo for tho clear H sHRcV 1ul9stl WHITTAKER & DALLAS, H MIP Aif.m 'Salt'uboQCltym" sIsHh' I -'Good Service-Good Company f 'Good Meals. ' P That Is the happy trinity that $ J! makes happy travelers on Rock 1st. S K and through trains. Throurjh Standard ii t Steeper dally Salt Lake and Ogden to J Chicago without change. Arrives In J J. sMsssssi" Chicago In the morning. We also run i'mmm&MKEBW? through tourist cars to Chicago and !x s; TjRnTl stl Lou''" Steamship tickets on sale ;5 111 WlHll Kiulll' II to all points In the Old Country, JJ J" JaVn3oBl Let us lnow where you want to go. jt J- (LRMJiIHJIJHm We will do the rest. "Nothing finer x MH3H-!9aiW than the Rock Island Diner." ! k 1 ' Y I .'i Both phones 245. x k " ' N. L. DREW, General Agent, E. DRAKE, Dlst. Pass. Agent, t 800 17th Street, Denver, Colo. G. A. BIBLE, Trav. Pass. Agt.,j5 J- or 100 West Second South St., . K Salt Lake City, Utah. T"HE TOURIST'S FAVORITE POUTS 3 FAST FLYEKS DAILY BETWEEN A OGDEN AND DENVEItr $ CHOICE OP KOUTE8. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS FROM OODEN 0 SALT LAKB i. TO ST. L:0UIS WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS c -! m 1 1 1 ii ,i ... . . , nMgjjujgpag- . Free Reoltnlngr Chair Cars. Dining Onr Service U carte on all through trains. For Folders, Illustrated Booklets, eto., address .,..,..,,, .,,,,;,,, L A. BENTON, O. A. P. D. SALT LAKE OTTY, UTAH tt ft H H . ---. f 4- ;-- H TO CALIFORNIA tt AND ITS FAMOUS WINTER RESORT8. tt T: LOS ANGELES. N. CATALINA. "" OCEAN BEACHES. TV.eWA ORANGE GROVES. SAN PEDRO. rii'Jr' PASADENA. J 8AN BERNARDINO. XPJ' RIVERSIDE. -f-f f -f ' 4. FINEST DINING CAR SERVICE IN THE WEST. Palatial Vestlbulod Trains Ieavo Salt Lako City 8:30 p. m. dally. Ob--f Jsorvntlon, Drawing Room and Standard Pullman Sloepcr, Tourist nnd- Dining Car. -- FREE RECLINING CHAIR CAR. -f f Ask ncarost ngont for Information on Pacific Coast Excursions, orl wrltd to J. L. Mooro, Dlst Tas. Agent, San Pedro, Los Angeles & 8att Lnko It. It., Salt Lako City. r ---- x X X X REMBMDER, IN RCURINO YOUR TRIP HAST THAT THB Oregon Short Line ' 1 RAILROAD e 11 D. C DVRLEY, B THB DDtDCT CONNECTION vmi TIB "s3Ssl UNION PACIFIC ..lI (THE OVEULAND ItODTB 7 U VHTCH B TUB rOTULAR ROUTB TO MLTCarttAmy SPEED oirncKnofncE' g?i!SSrR,p ' ?a,?.! T TNION PACIFIC KJ NBXCELLED H ROGXESSIVa ALT LAKB CITT. - VTA. K (THH OVERLAND ROUTB) ' ' " " - ' 1 I Name Your j l Route East j J On your next trip Enst tolfyour local ticket ngont tlint your ticket to Chicago must road via the " I Chicago, Milwaukee&St.Paulji t Railway I You will do yoursolf a kindness, securing tho mnxi-1 I mum amount of comfort at tho minimum cost. Don-- bio daily tram somco from Ogdon to Chicago nnd 1 from Donvor to Chicago. Rato in through sleoping 1 t . Ogdon to Chicago, standard, $9.50; tourist, T J $4.75. J KoJdcra nnd complete Information froo. Any ticket niront can ticket jrou East vln this line. Ailchlm tod K 51 Hi -f C. S- Williams, Commercial Agent, II Salt Lake City. 4 1 j-ir1f niiiMM wwbw - t - jf |