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Show OIM10ND9 IN UNITED 8TATE8 Stores to the Value of $300 Found In Single Year. Never In tbo history ot the United States has there been such n demand for diamonds ns there was In 1905. Largo quantities wore Imported, but the country produced none. In 1903 It produced diamonds to the valuo of 150, In 1901 it had an output werth $100, In 1900 Its production was valued at $150, nnd In 1899 tho country coun-try boasted nntlvo diamonds to tho raluo ot $300. Diamonds havo been discovered in the United States In four different regions, re-gions, but their actual place of origin ori-gin Is unknown. All havo boon found In loose and superficial deposits, and all accidentally. It Is not at all Improbable, however, how-ever, that somo day tho original sources of this queen of gems may bo discovered. Tho high prlco of diamonds dia-monds has mado tho recent search for these precious stones In tho United States and Canada keener than over before. Scientific American. |