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Show AIRY GARB 8HOCK8 VILLAGERS. Inhabitants of "Physical Culture City" Cause Blushes In Oueollc Burg. Spotswood, N. J. Farmers and others oth-ers who havo nover traveled ten miles away from the Idyllic spot and who therefore havo never vlsltod tho soashore and seen sylph-llko maids In bewitching bathing suits havo been shocked by tho sight of tho Inhabitants Inhab-itants of Physical Culturo City, sovoral sov-oral of whom wandor about clad In a sketchy and aboriginal manner. That many bcllovo in this plan was evident tho othor day. A lank fellow who had beon puffing vigorously about In tho lake finally swam a'shoro and, running to a sand bank, threw himself at full longth, near a handsomo girl gracefully clad. Ho wore a pair of short swimming trunks. Not far away lay tho girl who for an hour or so had beon basking In tho Bun. Sho wns dressed In a tight-fitting tight-fitting sleeveless Jorsoy and a pair of bloomers that were gathorcd tightly several Inches above her kneos. Sho wore a pair ot leather sandals that ro-vealcd ro-vealcd sun-browned toes. In the gymnasium tho loader, an athletic young follow, whoso muscles hoaved In knots undor his ruddy Bkln, woro a Jersey and trunks that had loft much of tho bolt of matorlal from which they woro taken. All tho girls wore bloomers, and ono or two ot them had on stockings. Tho vlllagors assert that men and women scantily nttlrod havo beon seen In Spottswood. Where they camo from tho residents do not know. Last Sunday Bovoral men and women, dressed In garb loss formal than a bathing suit, passed through tho village, vil-lage, apparently on a walking match. Their baro arms and logs shono brightly In tho bright Bunllght, and solomn villagers took ono glance, blushed profuioly and then hid tholr faces In tholr kerchiefs. |