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Show ALTA HAPPENINGS. President Tony Jncobson was In Altn Inspecting tho Columbus Consolidated Con-solidated Saturdny. . . Nothing could bettor lllustrnto tho resources of tho Columbus Consolidated Consoli-dated property, and tho character of its management, which Is getting around tho transportation difficulties successfully, thnn tho report of tho shipments nnd receipts during tho closed mouth of August. It Is only within tho presont year thnt tho Co-lumbus Co-lumbus Consolidated company lias seen nothing but clear daylight ahead of them, and ns bright nnd fnvorablo ns tho presont Is, tho futuro hns much moro In store for this company. During August tho Columbus Consolidated Con-solidated sent to tho local mnrkot n total of G8I tons, dry weight, of concentrates, con-centrates, which, nveraglng about $28.38 per ton, netted tho company from tho smoltora tho sum of $19,-431.87. $19,-431.87. During tho snmu month n total of 1.194 tons, dry wolght, of crudo oro was aent to tho mnrket, and this, nveraglng nv-eraglng $43,C5 por ton, brought tho company tho sum of $00,843.10 from tho smelters. In other words, tho Co-lumbus Co-lumbus Consolidated company ro-colved ro-colved In August tho total sum of $80,274.97 net from tho smeltors. jt J According to present plans n second tunnel Is to bo started on tho City ItockB property to tap tho sulphldo oro nt depth. Tho company Ib now shipping two cars per week of oxides to tho locnl'markot and their present workings aro within 300 fcot of tho sulphldos. Superintendent Edwards of tho property spent Thursday nnd Friday In Salt Lnko on business connected con-nected with tho mine, nnd states that whllo tho matter of tho new tunnel has not yot bocn dcnnltoly decided upon, i resent plans nro nlmost certnln to go through and tho work ordered commenced within a very short time. |