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Show Two Good 8alads. Potato Salad. Boll, peel and chop flno several potatoes; peel and sllco half as many onions: have skillet ready with enough bacon fat to fry tho onions until tendor. snlt tho potatoes po-tatoes and add to tho onions, stirring until well mixed; lastly, add ono cup of good vinegar, covor closely and set back to simmer awhile, then serve. Cabbago Balad. Boll together ono egg, woll beaten, ouo tablospoonful o' butter, ono tablcspoonful of sugar, one-halt tcaspoonful ot salt, thrco-fourths thrco-fourths cup of vinegar, until It thickens; thick-ens; Btlr constantly, havo cabbago chopped flno nnd pour ovor It sot. If you wladd one-half cup of thick cream to tho above, It makes a fine dressing tor lettuce |