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Show MAN IN EMPIRE GOWN MAKES HIT AT NEWPORT One Dudley Morgan Suddenly Finds Fame by Invading Casino Dance Dewltchlngly Attired. Newport. R. I. At tho Casino danco tho othor night thoro was a sonsatlon which tho governors ot that aristocratic aristocrat-ic placo say will not occur again. It was tho sensation of tho dull season. A young man, dressed as a woman, apponrod In tho gold and whlto thea-tor thea-tor and danced and flirted as a woman. wom-an. The young man In question was Dudloy Morgan, son ot William Rogers Rog-ers Morgan, who owns a villa on Ilhodo Island nvenuo. Tho young man had boon at a din-nor din-nor for young peoplo, and ho entered tho Casino thoator with Miss Pauline French, daughtor ot Mrs. Henry Fronch, and a nlcco ot Mrs. Alfred O. Vandorbllt. Wen Morgan, suparbly gownod In will1' embroidered net, in omplre stylu, with a coral necklace, long, Alt Eyes Were Centered on Him. wlrito Buedo gloves, JnpaneBO fan, and blond wig, with Jewels in tho hair, camo In with Miss Paulino French and Boated hlmsolf nil e)es woro centered cen-tered on him. As Mullaly's orchostra started tho mualo, "Llttlo Qlrl. You'll Do." for the waltz, sovoral of tho mon present went toward tho stranger, thinking It was Botno ono the' knew, but upon Closer view the Joke was discovered, and the ballroom was In an uproar. Sidney Colford. not to bo balked, took .the, "lady"' on tho floor, nnd danced with "her" amid groaJ laughter." S Morgan was ouo of, tho gueats at a dinner given by Mrs. Edward C Knight, Jr., and while there it was suggested that a surprise bo sprung at the danco to which all the guests woro Invited. Morgan was seloctod to. impersonate a woman, and tho excellence excel-lence with which ho playod his pari has suddonly placed him In tho same class with Harry Lehr as tho creatoi of Newport summor sensations. |