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Show PORTABLE HOG PEN IS HANDY Those That Will Accommodate Several Sev-eral Medium Sized Hogs In Common Com-mon Use by Small Farmers. A portable hog pen that will accommodate accom-modate several medium hired toga or (our is lumt a la In common uko by the small farmers and truckers of the New England states. Theae penB are found convenient, sanitary and far superior to the stationary pen, which In more or less a nualanre In thickly settled sections. The portable pena are gradually coming Into une In the trucking sections of New Jeraey, aa their many excellent points become better known. They are Juat the thing for the one-acre man. The following method of building a cheap, convenient conven-ient hog pen that la portable Is given by a New England farm paper: Take to pieces of hard Umber, white oak la beat, 3 by 9 Inches ach, 15 feet In length, rounded off at the end In tho form of a sled runner, then lay tbem pnrallel eight feet apart, with the rounded edgo on the groutuV Take four 2 by 4 scantlings and halve or tenon In croaawlae, one piece at each end and eight inches from the ends of the runners and place the others so as to support a floor In one-half one-half of the pen. Adjust theae strips so they will aet Rbout two Inches below be-low tho level of the upper edge of tho runners, then lay a floor of one Inch oak planks over one half of the pen, leaving the other half a dirt floor. Bomo have the o .er yard slotted, which will allow the hops to graze off the gnusa, but will prevent the sod from being rooted up. The aides of pen should be slatted. Now mortlae. in 2 by 4 scantling at each corner and midway for poKta on which to nail half Inch boards for the enclosing. enclos-ing. One-half of the pen should be covered; and for this reason innko the pouts for the aiding about one foot longer on ono nldo than on the other, bo as to give sufficient slope to tho roof. The roof should be high enough to allow a man to walk into the pen. If only one half of the pen la floored there muat be a partition across, and in this arrange a slide door so aa to phut the ehoiita In or out of either section. The roof of covered cover-ed pen may be made of half-Inch stuff and covered with tnr paper, then give two coats of hot lime wash as u preservative. pre-servative. A pair of horsea can readily read-ily niovo a pen of this size from placo to place. |