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Show Trees and Faces. Ton can tell a good many Interesting Interest-ing things about a tree JusC by looking at It. Sometimes It leans far over in one direction because a careless foot trod upon It long ago. Sometimes all the branches point one way. and this tells us what sort of winds It had to face when it was a sapling. People who know about trees can tell almost the whole history of one by looking It over. But trees are not the only things whose life story Is written upon them where everyone can read It. Every day your thoughts and your acts are writing a record on your faces. The boy who is overhearing, and the girl who Is peevish and fretful, may try to hide these faults from those outside their homes, but It cannot be done. Little lines are coming about the eves and Hps which tell the whole story as plainly ns words could do It. Be careful care-ful that the record they write upon your face Is of thoughts and acts that are loving nd kind, . . . |