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Show j Auto Livery andGarage ' ip Side Trips to Any Part of the County at Milage Ra'- ''aJ'- J eling Men Nicely Taken Care of. Auto l"es a SPeC,dlIy Firestone Tire Agency, Accessories, Oils and Gaso- t line. All Kinds Repairing and Vulcanizing- X THE B. E. COOPERj I AUTO LIVERY & GARAGE v DELTA, . . - Jj- Qlhr 9rUa glair HI auk of Delta, lltalj Capital Stock, paid in - - 820,000.00 We invite your banking business, assuring our patrons every courtesy and accommodation accommoda-tion consistent with prudent banking principles. princi-ples. Our patrons interests are our interests. MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BANK. J. A. MELVILLE, President, FRANK BECKWITH, Cashier. Why Leave Machinery in the Rain? It is proved that ma- ff cliines exposed to the weather rust out M three times as quickly as they wear Jruul. In other words, out of every jf tour dollars you invest in-vest in a machine prust gets three of ihem if you J let it. Some men f use their barns to store their tools, MhuK usually there isn't enough M space. Why not keep it in a shed? jyll's the modern way. The j cost of building Btich a shed is much MWs than you think, much less than M what you'd otherwise have to pay M lor new machines and new parts. m We have a full line of good building materials. The sooner M you get your shed started, the sooner it will start savin? vou money. BONNEVILLE LUMBER CO. , cz 153 77. . Delta Lynndyl Oasis Sugarville The Millard County Chronicle Published Every Thursday al Delia, Millard County, Dial; Entered as second-class mail matter July 14th 1910 at the Postollice at Delta, Utah, undc t act of March 3, 1079. BY THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. CHAS. 0. DAVIS, Managing Editor. Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year Six Months, $1.25 ADVERTISING RATES: Cards, 1.00 per inch per month; display adr BOcts pet inch, single column per month. Discount Dis-count for large space. Reading notices lOcts pei line nrst insertson, 5cts. each subsequent insertion |