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Show Postal Ssvlngs Banks. "At Its last session congress made p rovlslon for the establishment or savings banks by the pontofflce de partment or this government by which under general control or trustees, con slstlng or the postmaster general, the secretsry or the treasury and the attorney at-torney general, the system could be begun In a few cities end towns, and enlarged to cover within Its opera-tiona opera-tiona as many cities and towns and as large a part of the country as seemed wise. The Initiation and establish ment of such a system has required a great deal of study on the part of the experts in the postofflce and treasury treas-ury departments, but a system has cow been devised which Is believed to be more economical and simpler In Its operation than any similar system abroad. Arrangementa have been per-fectod per-fectod so that savings banks will be opened in some cities and towns on the 1st of January, and there will be a gradual extension of th benefits ot ttie plan to the rest or the country." "It Is gratifying." says the president, "that the reduction in the postal deficit haa ben accomplished without sny curtailment of ttl facilities. On the contrary, the service bas been grestly extended during the year In all Ita branches " |