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Show THE MOSQUITOES OF ALASKA Far North Spsclts Is Worse Thsn Any Found In the Temperate Zone. "Our summer lasted for three months, and during that time, by day as well as by night, we hsd the fight of our lives sgslnst swsrms of mosquitoes mos-quitoes which lor tensclty of purpose and endesvor rsnnot be equslod In this world, snd I have seen a good deal of It In my 15 years as a soldier," said A. O. Gardner, sergeant of Company Com-pany C. Twenty-second Infantry. Sergt. Gardner wss returning borne to Milwaukee. Mil-waukee. Wis., after two years spent St Fort Gibson. Alaska, some 900 mile northeast of Nomn, on the Yukon. "The government maintains s'l posts In Alsska." continued trgt Gardner. "We bad two companies at Bur post snd did very little actual military duty. Our principal work as In keeping up the telegrsph lines which sre owned by the government rbe signal rorps has targe representation representa-tion In Alaska, and the soldiers Ire-luently Ire-luently are railed on to give that department de-partment assistance. "I have fought mosquitoes In the roods In irontln. In the flats of Sew Jersey. In the swamps of the Mis-ilMlppI Mis-ilMlppI river and In the I'D 'II iris. but there are none that ran equal the roracious sperlrs hry bsve In the faf torth." Kansas C Journal. |