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Show if Albert P. Wa. I, Chronicle X Represly Itlve. Dr. Dryden made a trip to Meadow last week to examine applicants for life Insurance. He examined thirteen while there. The stork visited Burtner on November Novem-ber 29, leaving a boy at the home of J. E. Steele, and a girl at Geo. R. Scotts. All doing well. Ord E. Scott of Salt Lake was a Burtner visitor last week. N. S. Bishop made a business trip to Salt Lake City last week. ' Milando Pi.tt of Salt Lake Is visit- Ing here with his son Orson M. ' i Our west side merchant 3. W. Eccles , baa transferred his store over to bis lot on Clark street and opened up for business In bis new location on Mon- ( day. ( Miss Minnie Clark and her brothers, : Mitchell and Richard, have returned to their lormer home at Santa Ana, California, to spend the winter. They will return to Burtner In the spring. Dr. and Mrs. Dryden are shipping their household goods to Modena where they will spend the winter. The doctor will work for the Gold Spring Mlnli.g Co. Miss E. S. Marshall was called to the bedside of her brother, Mr. Kel'y at Mills, Juab Co., on account of bis aerlous Illness. Everybody attend the Relief Society dance In Burtner next Friday, December Decem-ber lfi. Hinckley Orchestra will furnish fur-nish the music and an oyster supper will be served in the basement I D. West of Colorado has been In Burtner for several days looking over this section with a view to buying tome land. He owns land In Colorado and Idaho and aays Burtner looks good to blm. |