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Show DE6ERET. Joshua Bennett, Chronicle Represen tatlye. Funeral services over the remains ol Thomas D. Allred, whose death u&lv was published In your last issue, wai held Id the Hinckley Hall on'Wedne day the 30th, and fc large gathering was In attendance. A farewell party was tendered to Petty's Hall to Dr. Hamilton, who left here on Sunday, to take up practice in Deaver City. Dr. Hamilton has "given general satisfaction, and we wish him success in his now field. Mrs. Maggie Dennett has been suffering suf-fering for the lait two weeks with an abscess under hr arm. Dr. Droaddus opened it and sb is improving nicely. Mr. A. A. Cat ln formerly cf Des-eret, Des-eret, but who leftixpectlng to Improve and better his cl umstances, has returned. re-turned. He Is pie led to be back again being convinced fat large cities are not the teat plaL for poor men to raise families, orluake a living for them. A Mr, Ceo. Croft Hs Just completed his new cottage rfA has movedlrj-It movedlrj-It with his family. |