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Show 7 Discus X partmenr flent , yi: "I lnvl v-"a t0 th prosecutj vTederal law , of the S et ,noPB' nd of thoeetuemv efraud in which the use) of the n7rf is an essential ' part of ( the fraudulent conspiracy, prosecutions which have, ssved Ignorant Ig-norant and weak members of the public pub-lic and are saving them hundreds of millions of dollars. The violations of the anti-trust law present perhaps the most Important litigation before the department rid the number of cases Bled shows the activity of the government govern-ment in enforcing that atatute. "In a special message lsst year I brought to the attention of congress the propriety and wisdom of enacting a general law providing for the Incorporation In-corporation of industrial and other companies engaged In Interstate commerce, com-merce, and I renew my recommendation recommen-dation in that behalf " The crying need In the United Statea of cheapening the cost of litigation liti-gation by simplifying Judicial procedure proced-ure snd expediting final Judgment Is poind d out and action looking to correction cor-rection of these evils Is urged. The president recommends an Increase In-crease In the salaries of federal judges. |