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Show occupied hat been vacant. Only People Peo-ple who hare money and woo Intend to do a treat deal or entertaining can afford to take such a house aa that occupied by the former vice president. It baa great reaching parlora and a ball room of adequate alte. It la understood un-derstood that the llahkmetleffa will enter largely Into the social life of the capital. Served on the Merrlmac. Tbe death of Hardle B. Llttlepag In Washington a day or two age removed another member of tb small band of survivors of tbe en gagement between tbe Monitor and tbe Merrlmac near llamptou Roads In tbe war between tbe states Llttlepage served on tbe Merrlmac as a midship man. He was a cadet at the United States naval academy when the wai broke out and be resigned at once tc enter tbe Confederate servtce. Mr. Llttlepage at the time of bit death was employed by the United States government as an agent tc gather data for tbe publication of tb naval records of the Civil war, a post which, it was specifically provided ic creating tbe position, should be filled by a veteran of the Confederate navy He had been at this work ahce tn year 18S9 and bad nearly completed what was a much mors arduous task than at first It was supposed It would be. 1 Here wss a Confederate veterst holding a position under Uncle Sarn'i government Most people think per haps that such a thing Is unique, but It Is not There are many Con fed sr ate veterans employed In various ca parities In tbe Federal service andthi fact that they once fought against tb Union In no wise was msde a mattei of objection to their preferment. BakhmetiefT Tskes Fairbanks House The Russian ambassador, Mr Georg nakhmetieff. Is the last addition t the ambassadorial representation ti Washington Mr. Hakhmetleff report ed for duty only a few days ago. ant ba takes a place, because be Is lh last ambassador appointed, at tbe foo of the ambassador's list standloi I next below the representative fron Mexico, Senor Crespo. Mr. Rakhnie tieff Is a master of tbe Imperial cour at St Petersburg With blm to Amer I lea cam his wife. Mm Hekbmetleff and their first task was house bunt Ing. They have rented tbe formvi Fairbanks home Ever since former VlcePstdem Fairbanks left tbe espltsl tbe grea bouse on Fsrragut squsrs which b A man and a woman who had i lovers' quarrel thirty five years sg bate Just been married In Oblo If I I la going to take them that loog In esc! I eass to make up they ars not like); to bare many family quarrels A New York Judge bas decided tha women may smoke In public. Noi that th dear girls have been sflv permission to use tbe festive clgn ette they will probably com to ih conclusion that there is no fun la II |