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Show The Dackterlologlit. A Itlchiiuiiid darky chanced to meet 3n the street a friend who complain-til complain-til of much "inlH'ry."' Indeed, tho afflicted af-flicted one was In despair, so "tucker-ered "tucker-ered out" wu! he. "Wot sei-ni! to be de miittcrT" asked the first negro. "Jim," !iild the other with a moan lad a gesture Indicating the portion Df his anatomy that wai giving him io much trouble, "I'se got sech awful palm In mah back he-th!" Jim assumed an air of great rolem- olty and wisdom. "In dat case," auld . bo, "dere'a only one thing fo' yo to do. Jea' yo' put yo'ae'f In de hand! o' dat ' lK-tab illank. I heara dat he'a de Bneit bakterlologlst In de whole aouf." |