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Show KANOSH HAPPENINGS Overs lialiey, Chronicle Representative Winter is sure here. Saturday night another heavy snow came, so at present pres-ent one can see the sleighs going in all directions. People from different places have come to Kanosh to spend their boll-days. boll-days. Sociability is Kanosh's drawing card. A splendid program wa.i given Xmas morning to commemorate (he Savior's birth. Appropriate speeches, songs and recitations were rendered, which were enjoyed by all. Elder Milton Whltaker has Just returned re-turned home from a thirty months' mission In the Southern States, feeling and looking fine. A reception party was given him Dec. 26. A grand ball was given Christmas night. All en-Joyed en-Joyed themselves very much. Arthur Halsey left Tuesday morning for Hinckley, where b received his death sentenre I mean ocmmltted matrimony. |