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Show Miss Millie Workman is quite sick with tonsilitis. If you want a good Hot Blast Heater, or the Common kind, call at the Delta Furniture Store. o26n2. Miss Edith Bunker entertained entertain-ed the 0. Z. 0. club at the home of Mrs. Irene Taylor Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Gardner Gard-ner of Salem, Utah, are here visiting their sons, Wm. and Eugene. Instead of Miss Helene Davis' recital being given as announced, it will occur on Saturday evening, eve-ning, Nov. 4. The next regular meeting of the board of County Commis-sisners Commis-sisners is called for Oct. 31st. Next Tuesday. If you want your hair comd-ings comd-ings made into a switch, transformation trans-formation curls, etc., leave your order with Mrs. VanDevanter Millinery. ol2n2 R. R. Betz came up from Clear Lake where he has been acting as agent for some time and is now in charge of the station sta-tion here for the time being. Only two more days left for registering, next Tuesday and Wednesday. After that there'll be no chance. Better mark these days and get your name on the books.. The Home Economics Ass'n will hold their regular meeting the first Friday in November at the Chapel. A good program , has been prepared and a good attendance at-tendance is asked. The 0. Z. 0. club have bills out announcing a big Halloween dance on the 31st of the month. The girls have established a great reputation for excellent dances and will no doubt have a big crowd. J. H. Baker of the Bonneville Lumber Co., was in town the latter part of last week looking after business connected with the company's various yards in the valley and having a good time socially with his Delta friends. Emerson Geutcher and Fred Easton were here the last of last week from Center Point, Nebr., looking over the country for land. Mr. Geutcher closed a deal with W. R. Livingston for a forty acre tract of land under the Midland canal and will return re-turn in the spring to improve it. Harvey Melville had a letter from his father who is now in Cuba. He writes that he and Mrs. Melyille have had a splen .did trip, stopping on their way down at Cincinnatti, and points in the southeastern part of the United States. They expect to be back to Utah in a few days now. If you need a Funnel, Tea Strainer, Nutmeg- Grater, Cuspi-dore, Cuspi-dore, Cake Turner, Egg B ater, Stove Lifter or Poker, Quart Measure, Colander, Flour Sieve, Lamps, Cream Pitchers and many other things, don't fail to give us a call. We have lots of them. Delta Furniture Store. ol9-26. There is bitter contention between be-tween the mining interests of the state and the state board of equalization as to the fairness of proposed constitutional amendment amend-ment changing the method of assessment against mining property pro-perty and literature is being sent over the state by both sides. The amendment is being run in the Chronicle as is also an ad from the mining interests. Read them over. |