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Show Recorder .MRS. ALICE PITTS Assessor NELS P. PETERSON Attorney G ROVER GILES SheriiV D. S. DORRITY Jr. Surveyor ERNEST THEOBALD Schedule ot Preaching Service Conducted by Rev- C. H. Hamilton. Ham-ilton. 1st Sunday of month, 3 p. m., Hinckley; 8 p. m., Delta. 2nd Sunday of month, 3 p. m., Sunflower; 8 p. m., Wood row' . 3rd Sunday of month, 3 p. m., South Delta; 8 p. m., Delta. 4th Sunday of month, 3 p. m., Sugarville; 8 p. m., Woodraw. The Millard County Chronicle! Published Every ThurvUy at Delta. Millard County, Utah Entered a3 sctond-clais mail mutter July 14th 1911) at the Postoifice at D; ita. Utah, under act of March 3. IS7y. -BY THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. CHAS. 0. DAVIS, Managing Editor. Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year Six Months, $1.25 ADVERTISING RATES: Cards, I. IX) per inch per month; display ads 80cls per inch, iin'c column per monlh. Discount Dis-count for lare sparr. Rradiri notices lOcts per lin first iosf-ruon, 5cts. each subsequent insertion - - COMMISSIONERS FOR MILLARD COUNTY Kiett E. Maxfield, Chairman, Delta. John Buckstranrl, Meadow. August NeiUon, Leamington. DELTA TOVVM OFFICERS Pres. of the Hoard, F. W. Cottrell. Members: W. E. Hunker, James Wil- kins, George Dobson, Avery Bishop. Clerk, Geo. E. Banks. Treusurer, A. L. Broderick. DELTA COMMERCIAL CLUB Rev. C. II. Hamilton, Pres. O.-A. Anderson, See'y. A. C. Sorenson, Treas. I "Then I'm to un- 3 pj jfr W W j derst and there's jp W' 1J no hope for me!' $ " 1 Such is the opening re- J TIlO IViVCrsalOir I maik ot lhe principal I . character in the corking i p J 1 good story we have secured 1 There is only one reason why lo lor oui' next serial 5 ,111 . ... I, .ill' (he ear SN oars ar0 demanded by over hall uu a2sra;H buyers in this country. They are hotter 1 ? I frs: The Ford has demonstrated its I llU I I superiority by all the tests ot time, in 1 gli7iicf I cvory k!,,1 Mf use- T,, k",m,ulis,iroatlH" I SJgb II U y lilg I l cause the value is groat. Hotter buy yours 1 A r 1 I ! IU)W! Kl,na,,mi1 s4(K)-7)- Tol,ri,,a Car J iiMgCi I j S4I5.70. laid down at Delta. On sale by i w I PaCe j Ey LOUIS JOSEPH VANCE j j i I Delta, - Utah The doctors assure him that j .the mysterious disease from which he is suffering will ' j , XT"" be the death of him within ' Is" six months. So the young , man starts out in search of ? !&L1&?''V' a quiet place where he can I die peacefully and at once. j , - His plan is frustrated by a wwiiiMiunMiiiiwiiiiMMMiMBMBiMiMilu chance meeting with a girl - ' in distress, bent on sui- Q .e-.. tide. He marries her so I gjv '" she may have the benefit of ' MtfWi 23 33 '3! ' ' n'rf2 i; Jiis jedepjte dieted and he has all sorts " '1 tt$3SS mEmVse the Sunlight N is alive with interest. Be j w- sure you don't miss the is- K It S FTQG v sue containing the first one. 'Mnh? Sunlight is the world's champion disinfectant. ' j! necessary for the sleeping quarters of the hog as j . ..n .mm ' 0f 1 it js for bedrooms in the house. j ' Therefore, hi planning your hog house, be sure to pro-" pro-" : vide plenty of windows. See that every nook and corner -FOR SALE :-Carbon Copying gets its share of this reliable disinfectant. In this way you Paper at the Chronicle office. ... , , , . will also make sure ot good ventilation. ' Build a substantial hog house, for the hog needs pro- n . . tection more than any other animal on the farm. Make Delta tommission to. sure of good drainage and cleanlii ess. I j gtan(j reacy to gjvg yOU any acivice on tle question Wholesale dealers in s of material. And our advice is just like the sunlight 1 J t it's free. alfalfa seed B O N N E V I LL E L U M E E R CD. i 1 a -V' mi 6 1 T l &e o.K. Merrill C o R ana Associate a li K A 1 i. r LU L K and MILLS TUFF Delta-Oasis-Sugarville-Lynndyl For a Muddy Complexion I Poultry antl I'JS Take Chamberlains Tablets and adopt rV--''-"- f - jl.i ,. , a diet of vegetables and cereals. Take 3 . ll at prices that arc outdoor execi3es daiy and yom. com. HO IT NOW COi'rCCt. elexion will be greatly improved with- I 11 I I llVlJ PAPER j in a few months, Try it. Obtainable )' i everywhere. LjiiS.BirgWMBIIgJ I . Ilf MaXzffell Serviee Maxwell has put a real meaning into the word ggJj 1 1)1? g "Service." Simply by requiring every Maxwell dealer to carry a iPlIl? ! " ' :: ' i full supply of Maxwell parts so that he can replace Eii " any damaged or worn part at once, without waiting for ' ipsH3 parts to be shipped from the factory. piH j ' lf ya are a Maxwell owner your car will always be gs? ! lfe5fesl in running order because our dealer any Maxwell f---3 I lgrr zi-i dealer can give you real and immediate service, lf he pls "sj couldn't, lie wouldn't be a Maxwell dealer. pHS ! ijiijg5 Not more than one or two automobile builders in the JlpliPllP I country can give you service that compares with - fSSsSsj I'Sfpsi Maxwell Service. . fcr-gg; ' f '1 bis is a vital point.-Investigate it fully before !J1JS. iljHSSTVr buying your car. - fep5SsS i ' Sy-SjHiS'ilgS. Roadster ISSO: Touring Cor SS9S: Cabriolet JSCS' Town rrarr-SJj i ' . "' tur SVISs Se&m tVOS. Fully equipped. tncud,t sryC-"--' j!'3'il'5S:::Lc;A:i electric Hurler urul lixhu. All prtcej f. o. It. Detroit. Ji?'t!" fflj j Agent Wanted The Ladies' Home Journal, The Saturday Sat-urday Evening Post and The Country Gentleman wish to secure the spare time of a man or woman to act as local representative in Delta and vicinity, looking after the renewals of theii many subscriptions in this section, ar.c introducing these publications to new readers. Payment will be made ir salary and commission. Previous ex peiience is desirable but not essential. For details address, with references, Box 654, The Curtis Publishing Company, Comp-any, Independence Square, Philadelphia. : Democratic County Ticket For Senator i DANIEL STEVENS Representative FRANK P. PRATT , District Judg'e ; JOSHUA GREENWOOD District Att'y O. A. MURDOCK Long Term, Commissioner ! CARL BROWN ? Short Term Commissioner ? H. E. MAX FIELD Clerk E. FRED PACK . a Treasurer - MAURICE LAMBERT, |