Show Helen Wins Wills Plans Tour of Europe Next Season Helen Wills AmerIcan and British tennIs champion will tour Europe this year ear as a member of a two worn an team officially representing the United States Lawn Tennis tI n. n This became known kno when Miss Wills telegraphed acceptance of the Invitation extended by the national tennis body Matches will be played with the leading woman ot of France England Germany and Belgium The other member of the team has not been selected but It Is understood under under- stood that Penelope Anderson of Richmond Rich Rich- mond Va and Mrs Irs Charlotte H flea g. g pier Chapin ot of Springfield Mass 1 are being considered MIss Wills plans to leave either in ID AprIl or early In May 1 The Berkeley miss has definitely decided decided de de- not to play In the French championships championships cham- cham June 21 os as the date Is too close to the Wimbledon tourney |