Show JUDGE JEROME TRACY DIES VERY SUDDENLY I Tracy sudden r me lcy died y at athis his early Sunday morning He had been suffering tram from a bad cold but had recovered On Saturday evening ev- ev ening after dinner with guests he drove Into Delta spending the oven oven- Ing hig with friends In town Hose early early se Sunday r noted the time and returned to bed noon falling asleep Doctor Tracy noted no tl a sudden change In his res- res res- res and called a physician but before the latter arrived Judge Tracy Tracy Tra- Tra I cy had died The Tho cause of his Budden Bud sud- I jy den death was a of apoplexy Jerome Tracy was born In Killarney Killar- Killar i ney Ir Ireland land Oct 15 1863 the thc son of at Martin Tr Tracy y and Maria I n nessy sr Tracy At the age of seven he came t to America with his parents 1910 he married Doctor Elizabeth R. R Cahoon a physician In New York CitY Dr DI Tracy will take the body to Doi Do- Do i v eel Delaware for interment and expects to remain In the East indefinitely Dr J. J II H. Cahoon brother of Dr Tracy T. came from La Jolla Cat Cal to attend the burial services In the passing of Judge Tracy we each of Us feel a loss according to the side of his character we saw to prospectors and miners he was an time old prospector miner replete with lore of the hills h a man who had travelled Gloat afoot over vast stretches of Colorado New Mexico Arizona California Nevada and who Utah had surely seen the world In the ra raw to the deer hunter he VM i the S soul of wit chock full of reminiscence and apt story a a. chum and anel a comrade com COIn rade asked again and the again one member of the party unfailing to keep It alive and who know camping gleaned from a long life in th the w wilds to his neIghbors neIghbors' neighbors who ho had hada a joint fight on with n. n wat water r situation situa- situa tion he was the champion of their cause and a fighter tearless fearless un- un un-I un with expediency squarely hitting the nail on the bead regard regard- regard regard-j I lo loss to the drawing room Circle I smug In its own o opinions Judge Tracy Tracy Tra- Tra cy was an Iconoclast Judge Tm Tray was an q bar bar- actor acter his nature him to assail cant wherever heL he encountered It good he met hypocrisy in any walk of life with a ready weapon at times a full broadside attack at- at tack or equally as often with a sharp of sarcasm sarcasm or more more often with point of of poignant wit Ironically Ironical Ironical- ly turned Judge Judge Tracy had a wonderful memory memory mem- mem ory What he read h he read critically critical critical- ly y and stored T r who weld v deep themselves and serious Judge Tracy was a deeply read read well gro grounded ground ground- nd- nd ed m man D familiar with tho society of the test est minds of every age go In history his his- tory poetry geology Judge Tracy was well rifled and had stored their within His JUs especial J forte was phIlosophy Into which Wo the WoJ J Judg d ad d delved n not t su superficially but buto o ply He was early arlY taught the philosophy of the church ch of course I nor Dor did his interest estop hc e but eminent Greek Creek nl Roman contemplative all 1 1 down to today ho ho conceived t f- f an of a common fund of f human knowledge and ho took for forbin forhia bin hia own out of It what he could as So strong was his liking mUng for solid books that h he had been Je n busily bus bus- ily engaged In studying a tome me on In the last few days I As a typical old l ncr a a man manot at th the days p passed and gone gono f forever r Judge Tracy was best fittingly can it be said of him I that ho was one o J 0 typical characters so r i- r passing Int into before the he tide memory only gone of the tho rushing new Judge Tracy had background Those who know knew Jerome Tracy the closest respected l. l the most Always Always Al- Al ways champion for tor the dog ho be loved n a scrap its Ps well as his forbears for for- bears liked a brawl And Ami y Yet t Ids his kindly nature took a particular twist to bestow a charity unknown to any but his most moat Intimate companions lie He had traveled travelled far from New NewYork NewYork York to Los Ang Angeles and from Mop Mori- tan to Mexico be had roamed this country he had the Atlantic J to AmerIca and t the he Pacific to China Ho He bad cull culled d and screened imd and pin pin- pinned ned the tha human and It on bACk lick page column 4 4 |