Show NOVEL SCARF COLLAR FEATURED WEE SISTERS NOW DRESS ALIKE E of the delights of the newer O ONE coat modes molles Is s that they are so versatile in n regard to theIr collar treatments The trying ordeal of being lie lie- Ing compelled to accept this collar or that because the majority of coats are made that way Is no longer Imposed upon women of fashIon Seems Seem as It if cur ur stylists have ha taken up the ques- ques K r k I s ei t doh t. t 4 4 t w y f fL L d- d y s u re to buy materIal enough for two kind frocks for its Us the style for the wee members of oft t 4 one family to have theIr clothes made of Identical fabric also In duplicate styling To lie be sure this Is a der de from the old way ot of thinking Time rime was when if f two little girls t dressed alike It meant one or of two things either they were twins or else eise a aOne aOne One of the Newer Coats thrifty mother happening to have ha some material of neckline treatments with th determination to Infuse all ull the novo coy elty possible Into their de designing As u a consequence the newer coat models have e acquired 1 collars of every description W We may runy now take our choice of shawl collars hIgh stun standing ding effects which are now very good style tuxedo revere re and that which Is s of outstanding the chic scarf or stole n r. r As the season advances toward spring scarf effects become more and more numerous All sorts of cunning ideas are Introduced to give gi tine the spIce or of life to these collars For instance in in- stance the single scarf end develop hag Ing ut at one side Is wound around the throat and It Is then Ihen brought down through a slot cut in the cloth Jr f the coat or else belted in nt at the waist waist- very line effective e for sports coats also appears on new sweaters There is a knack In wearing u a scarf collar which adds to Its smartness One might aught profitably take a lesson from clever Marion Nixon l' one or of film thorns thorn's bright sta stars who judging from this picture has mastered the art of a throw or scarf OJ at stole call It us as you will to The coat which l Il Miss Nixon is wea wearing ring Is velvet wit with h a 0 sC scarf rt trimmed in n filch fur n most timely model for asun wear Interesting esting collar treatments are ap I nearing all along the way in connee- connee n 1 M Dainty and P Pretty retty With wilh advance lOce coat models modelE for Cor between be tween ons and spring Much use I rd Ii being made mado of slots either sewed on onor ut or cut CUI Into the Through these very cry wide ribbons are drawn or streamers of self No It II is s not a case of seeing double so do not Dot rub your eyes and stare in n amazement for Cor It Is due to the latest whIm of mode that lit little tip brother and sister likewise sIster RD and sl sister ter are dresser dressed exactly alike So to mothers who are at the threshold of n a siege of sprIng sewing is a timely word of advice hI left over from the eldest girls girl's dress derided to utilize It by conjuring IJ a frock tor fOI wee sister out of the rem nant Today by the decree of the mode the fashionable thing to do is to dress si sister ter In frocks of the same fabric with Identical trimmIngs Even In winter coats this Idea has been carrIed out for wherever diminutive fashion one would see dren of one family dressed alIke to In that they they- would be wearing chinchilla or tweed ensemble of coats with hats to match The duplicate Idea evidently pleases and we are arc goIng to see more ot of It this spring und and summer Among pretty little big sister frocks for forthe forthe the coming seasons are models with skirts of plaited jersey topped with blouses or of the jersey In contrasting hue the the- material of the sl skirt carried into the waist In a trimming way Clothes which are related as here bere pictured will he be seen on JunIor and hIs sister at al the smart Southland winter win win- ter resorts from Crom now on The brother brother- sister and outfit In n this illustration I Is fashioned of homespun weave combined with solid colored crepe The plaited collars and similar details are ure carried out in duplicate Sewing mothers can easily patterns which are similar for Cor boys and for girls With the materials identical one Olle can enn make at home borne these cunning twin outfits Also one CUll cue bU for tiny tot und and big sister which are exactly alike as the stores are now making a 0 specialty of repeat t models JULIA ULIA J lI EY t 1 nn 1928 Yea UnIon |