Show oH k Wastefulness pervades per our hom homes s as they are conducted d today technical training Wt we art are ever practicIng Ing and learning In the costly school or of Janet tit I Hm TASTY FOODS GOR Fan a tasty dish to serve sene as a lunch- lunch L eon tile the following will be found most appetizing Sweetbreads and Mushroom Ramekins Cook Conk a pair of sweetbreads In hated water for fifteen minuteS then plunge Into cold water and cal CUI small pieces To the measure ot 01 add un an equal measure nl chopped mushrooms Add two teaspoonfuls tea teu spoonfuls of lemon Juice jull one half teaspoonful tea teu spoonful of salt a pinch of nutmeg and ond u a dash of pepper Melt two tablespoonfuls of hurter butter and cook a athin athin thin slice of onion finely chopped nhen hen yellow add I the he sweetbread mixture mix mix- tore ture and cook two minutes adt adl one cupful of sauce tine one chopped truffle trume and half one cupful of cream Fill the lie ramekin dishes cover with buttered bread breud crumbs and aDd bake until brown Quick Coffee Cake Break one egg Into n a cup and beat well fill tile the cup with milk mix ails and sift the dry Ingredients cut CUI In oni on of butter using one olle send one fourth cupfuls of If flour and tw and one half teaspoonfuls of baking powder and three lable tablespoonfuls ot of sugar with half ore teaspoonful of salt Add the liquid slowly to thE flour dour mixture and spread In n a pan pm After mixing anti and spreading cover with the following our tablespoonfuls table tahle spoonfuls of sugar two of butter and two tablespoonfuls of If flour Mix until well blended Bale Bake In a quick oven o Spinach French Style If fresI cook conk with only the water which dings clings to It of after tel WU oak ook until tender und and drain and chop tine Return to the heat add adl four tablespoonfuls table table- spoonfuls of butter hutter cooked with till duce e of limn flour und and two of a 11 cupful of thicken stork Season with a teaspoonful of sugar salt all find pepper to taste n a grating of nutmeg lemon rind wt I CZ IO 1928 w. w western O Newspaper w Union 1110 |