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Show West Millard First in Utah Over the Top in Red Cross Drive; Washington Praises Mis. Helen Eaker. chairwoman of the Rod Cross War Fund received a telegram from San Francisco to the effect that West Millard Chapter Chap-ter was the first in Utah to go over I he top in the Red Cross Drive. The headcjuart ers there congratulated tier and the workers on their fine accomplishment. Within a few days after this word from the San Francisco office, the national head-j head-j quarters in Washington, D. C, sent their congratulations and felieita-I felieita-I tions to Mrs. Baker, the workers and the people of West Millard. The drive had hardly gotten underway un-derway when West Millard reported report-ed they were over the top. The Saturday Sat-urday after the drive opened which was the preceding Thursday, a tea was held in Delta to which most I of the chairmen reported and turn ed their money. Other communities reported by phone as being over. I but the money was not sent right then. You will note from the figures below that every community and district went over the top, with the exception of Garrison, and due to difficulties in communication, it is not known how they are doing on their drive. The quota was set at $4400.00 in West Millard, and without the report re-port from Garrison, this chapter lias gone over the top by over a thousand dollars. We wish to add our congratulations congratula-tions to all who took part in this drive, both as workers and donors. The results of the past drive show excellent organization, hard work, and liberality on the part of the people here. Chairman Quota Collected Abraham " ' Leah lfeid $ 50.00 , '$'"67.00 Black Rock Boyd G. Patten 25:00 41700 Delta Business "Lions Club J 720:OC 985.25 North Delta 29ive"Barne"y 460X10 537.65 South Delta IoneTDalley 460T00 563.83 Deseret Ethel N. Juhl 275.00 374.50 GTarrisbn Mollie Gonder 112.00 no report Hinckley Wanda Barnes 355.00 419.35 Leamington Wanda Nielson 180.00 250.00 Lynndyl""" Effie Allen 315.00 383.50 OakCily" Clara Atkin 225XKT 344.00 Oasis Inez Kelly "'" 155.00 220715 South Tract Lucrelia Teeples 66.00 70.00 SulherlanrL- FernFoote 225.00 343.67 Wdbdrow Eva Shields 165.00 166700 W. R. A.' Topaz"Nellie E.""Jenkins" 620:00 640.00 Grade" School 17.00 High "school 56-00 '" " $4400.00 $5418.90" |