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Show ' ' THE BINGHAM NEWS X Righto, Percy! "And so, children, all these modem conveniences came Into being by In-vention," said the teacher. "And now, I'ercy, tell me who Invented the ulunu clock." "I dunno'm," said Percy, "but if my ilnddy ever meets Win titer's going t' be trouble." Richmond Times-Dispatc- Cuticura Soothes Itching Scalp. On retiring gently rub spots of dan-druff and itching with Cuticura Oint-ment. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soup and hot water. Make them your every duy toilet preparations and huve a clear skin and soft, white hands. Advertisement ' I theCvoss Pfc g ; andCircle hinted ia Red oa Every Package cf Genuine Alabastine Instead of Kalsomine or Wall Paper Becime only gsnuine AlsWine will gir you the soft delicate, artiiic AlaWioa) ' colon, which add to auich to the beauty of yaw borne. Good decoctor UM AUWina. Ncsty U tr kIIIm plnH esity fc in ock Aik your dole? or decorator to ihow you ianplet and explain the AUbutme. Opaline Procen the Dew at and aoet beautihd method el intoiof docotilioo. The Alabastine Company Grand Rapid. Mich. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS is often caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucoue lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube la inflamed have a you rumbling aound or Imperfect hearing-- . Unlesa the Inflammation can be reduced, your hearing may be de etroyed forever. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will ? ";!?at W8 c'am for it rid your eyatera of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MKDICINH) haa been succeesful In the treatment Of Catarrh for over Forty Years. Bold by all druggists. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION LAtB Hot water gp 21 Sure Relief BEU.-AN-S 25j AND 75$ PACKAGES EVERYWHERE RHEUMATISM Cannot Exist In th Human Body If " You Will Use Trunk's Prescription. It Is preposterous; In fact. It Is shame to suffer with Inflammatory, muscular, sciatic or any form ot Rheu-matism. This Prescription doea not ruin the stomach. It doea not depress the heart Eat all the meat and good food you wlah while taking Trunk's Prescription. Contains no mercury, salicylate sods, oil wlntergreen or narcoticp, but posi-tively overcome any kind of rheu-matism or gout on earth. What more do you want? There Is nothing Just as good, and It la Impossible to get something better. The greatest urlo acid solvent known and also a anterloa liver medietas. Trunk's Prescription sells for 11.71 or I for only (5.00 at drug stores. Trunk Brat, Drug Co Dearer, Cola. ' Here's the Food-Iro-n Nature intended yon ifen to have SiHl KIND and skilful Mother rounded nutriment and easy planted under the digestion it is wonderful outer coat of the kernels of her builder of health and energy, best food-grai- a store of iron There's a delightful charm lor human use. Many present- - o crjspnes9 anj flav&r ta day foods are robbed of this and Grape-Nut- s a welcome serv- - other vital qualities in the extra njJ flt any meai aeady to "refinement of preparation. scrvCf wth cream or milk Grape-Nut- s, that famous Order from your grocer to-- food, day. There are many serving, supplies iron, phosphates end providing exceptional nourish-- vitamin from the natural grain; mcnt, in a package of this truly and in its splendid, well- - economical food. fjfhtAinTH Grap;Mitis :"Y l;'T'm' Pootura Crn! Ca, Inc. "There's a Reason1 laCf9"'Mich- - Ha Got the Answer, "Ah," said the keeper of the candy store, "and what are you going to be when you grow up?" "I'm going to keep a candy store," said the boy, "and every time a little boy like me comes In I'm going to give him four caramels ,for a cent instead of two for a cent." 6OUR COMIC SECTION The Winter's Harvest Flapper Fairy Tales. Ludwig Darling, I have just gotten I hold of that book about rails that the censors refused to pass. Everybody Is talking about it and I thought you v might like to rend it. s Georgette Thank you tver so much, Ludwlg, but I'm rending moth-er's cook book now and I wouldn't want to start another book until I J finish that one. REMAIN ALWAYS THE SAME Overwhelming Proof That Finger-prints Undergo No Change Dur-ing Lifetime of Individual. The finger print Is a scientific method of ldentlflcatlon. A movement is afoot In Michigan for a state-wid- e registra-tion system under which every one would be finger-printe- It is also planned by the government to establish a central bureau of identification with a national registration. It is deduced thnt prints are more permanent than the body Itself, as physiologists tell us mat tne tissues oi tiie entire nony change once in about seven years, but whorls, curves and lines of the papilla always are renewed In con-formity with the lines of childhood. After an attack of scarlet fever the cuticle peeled off of a child's fingers As an experiment prints were made. Thev were found to be lust the same as those made before the sickness. A man chanced to burn his fingers. They were badly blistered. After the blisters broke anil the outer layer of the skin came off he made finger-print- s each day until the fingers were completely healed. The ridges grew gradually until they made the same shnrp prints that they had made before the acci-dent. MOON IS NOT DEAD WORLD Recent Scientific Observations Seem to Prove Astronomers Have Long Held Wrong Idea. Astronomers cling to the old Idea that the moon is a dead world, destl- - tute alike of air and water. Hut recent observations of V. II. Pickering, made at Mandevllle, Jamaica, go to show that many changes occur with the alterna-tion of lunar day and night. Great snow fields form in the mountain val-leys, and then melt away; fog bunks are seen and, very rarely, drifting clouds. The loftiest peaks are snow-capped. The moon's surface Is pitted with volcanic craters; some of these measure 100 miles across. Each crater Is surrounded by a mounfuln ring 1,000 to 20.000 feet In height. According to Pickering, there are few, if any, such large and continuous-ly active volcanic regions upon the surface of the earth. But the activity of the lunar volcanoes is now confined to the quiet emission of steam Jets, like those found in Yellowstone Na-tional park. Certain variable dark areas on the moon may be due to vege-tation. The Cop's Unit Joke fiCCl.WtS fP rfeuf V'lA KERB ,T?Sf e" 1 jQb I fUS MOWER'S BD PQE ' ". Restored Lille Turns to Autos. The city of Lille la again taking on an aspect of prosperity, according to a report to the Department of Commerce from Vice Consul J. G. Flnlcy, and la fnst assuming the character of a thrlv-- V Ing center of commercial and Industrial " activity worthy of its synonym as cap-ital of the north of France. A con-siderable change has taken place sinca 1021, the consul states. Stores Itu-at-ed In the districts not damaged ara well stocked and apparently enjoyinc a good business and electric signs, un-known in 1921, have appeared in vari-ous pnrts of the business centers which give much animation to the city at night. The number of automobiles, aU most Imperceptible In 1921, has In creased In an exceptional degree, r " t Seemed Somewhat Personal. There are things one might have ex-pressed differently. A gushing matron was getting up an afternoon affair and called on a somewhat elderly damsel who had promised to assist "Now," pattered the matron, "I have secured a sweet girl to pour ten. You, my dear, will look after the slices of lemon." , "What am I to Infer from that?" asked the other acidly. , Would Swap With Judge. Wealthy Judge lecturing a prison-er) A clear conscience, my man, la more to be desired than riches. rrlfloner All right, sir. I'll awap with you. Life. If a man never (.peaks harshly to his wife he Is either considerate or cautious A pedestrian is a chap who tries to interfere with the progress of an auto-mobile. Regret Is the sorrowful child of not having done your best ' What CAN It Be? I rfHrW'tlrt WHERE HE CAM $500. f I J,TJ'-- ME t tA-'T- Ht OvE FANN rS rJ wOMDER WHAT IN I WrfT 0VJ ANS BODV AMSTM.NC - SrT HE wSfrS Ta SEE ME FOR. ? 1 HWEN T ROBBED ANY BANKS OR KIU.6D g pAD NC0Me ' . ' Ta on TimC - , J J Sr '3. ( ' r t" JVAW. -- -O fly-- --W . Oil If L jZl " ii Wfuli-- Union ' t ' |