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Show ''White Tickets" for Capital Beggars PtlOKESSIONAti 1ieKRrs In Washington ane packing their grips and cleirtlng by the hundreds for more fertile fields In which to ply their trade. The white tickets of the Gospel mission have worked the trick and the na- i tlonal capital Is no longer the heaven of the professional panhandler. The tickets, tiny strips of cardboard good for a nlKht's lMlglng and three square menls at the mission's local office, have been distributed In thousands thou-sands to the business and professlosial men of the city. The mission, once the white ticket is turned In, Is not content merely with providing the unfortunate with FoiiH'thlng to eat nnd a place to sleep. If he wants work they have an nr-riingoinent nr-riingoinent with a local employment agency. The white tickets were first Intro-duf'Pd Intro-duf'Pd In Washington on January 1. Two hundred th'iistmd of them were infilled t a Kel.-eted ll.'.t of profes fionnl and business men with the request re-quest thiil they ylve their cooperation to the mission's plan of ridding the nutlonal capital of the horde of professional pro-fessional down-nnd-outers Infesting the city. Results were almost Immediate, From an average of 30 applications for help at the mission's office the dally average leaped to l."0. And practically all of them Introduced themselves with white tickets. How many of these same little str'ps of cardboard, given to professionals, have leen consigned to the gutter the mission Is, of course, unable to say. Two hundred thousand more of the tickets have been Issued and the mission mis-sion has plven notice through the medium of the local newspapers that anyone wanting n handful of the tickets tick-ets con secure them at the mission office. There Is no charge for the tickets. Anyone can .secure them on request. Anil the mission Is making every at tempt to provide every man or wotuar. In the city lil.ely to he approached h.v a beggar with a strip '' the ti' hcl. . They Hro placed in i, ''en-pi nix place on ,.n-,.-t:,nd. i hotels for ! rau;;ers la ys;s!i'.rt"U. |