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Show without risk, of infection Yo e.a and the p.lo of nurau. Dr.SchoUiZino-p.d- coral, ti eee a will do It. far tb.T nnwr lh. id hul tb imuuoo. Teas jnm avoid ioftctioa from comas your corn, or in. corro.iT. add. TAm; aatiwptJci vatcrprooL Slim tor corn,elkKUM, bonion. Gt a boi today at your dniffttt tor loot dealer's. nzsckoU's XitiO'pads Putoneon-thtpalnlsg- on! give your dlges-- tlon a "kick" with WRIGLEVS. Sound teeth, a good appctlt and proper digestion mean MUCH to your health. WRIGLEY'S Is a helper In all ibis work a pleasant. bcaelletal pick-me-u- p. DONT DESPAIR If you are troubled with pains or " aches; feel tired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful passage of urine, you will find i relief by regularly taking LATHROP'S The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric add. troubles and National Remedy of Holland since 1699. Three sices, all druggists. Guaranteed. Look for th nam Cold Modal on era? bos and aoeopt no Imitation Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. Judging from reports from druggists who art constantly in direct touoh with the public, there la one preparation that has been very euccoasful in overcoming these conditions. The mild and healing Influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Roo- t is soon realized. It standi the highest for its remarkable record of success. An examining phyiioian for one of the prominent Life Insurance Companies, In n Interview on the subject, made the as-tonishing statement that one reason why so many applicants for insurance are ii because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and the large majority of those whose applications are declined do not even inspect that they have the disease. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Ro- Is on sale at all drug atorea in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a ample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Advertisement. FBECEILES Now Is the Time to Get Rid el These Ugly Spots There's no longer the sllfhtest nssd of fading aahamad of jrour fraoklee, bj Othln double strength la guaranteed to femora thee homely epota, Simply t an ounca of Otblna from any tlrus-gis-t and apply a little of It nliht and morning and you ehould soon that even th wont fraoklM hav bagun to disappear, whlla th lighter on hav vanished en-tirely. It la aeldom that mora thaa an uno It needed to completely elear th kin and gain a beautiful, clear completion. Be aura to aak for th doubl-trngt- h Othln, aa this Is aold under guaxante of money bavok If It falls to remove freoklee. Thickened, Banal Swollen Carbs, Filled Soreness from or Strains; stops J8pavin Lameness, allays pain. blister, remove the lay up the horse, Only drops required at each $2.50 a bottle at Book 1 A free. W. t. T0UH0, hOltTeapl St. SpraufleU. Mm. EYES SORETrttS. EYEWATER A reliable and speedy remedy sine 17M. Bay at your drurslet's or John I Thompson Sons Go. BlTst Street, Troy, M. T. BOOKLET TUS.lt. Try a pipeful or two direct from the factory Not that it will be any better thaa the Edgeworth you buy in a store, but we want you to have your first Edge worth smoke at our expense. . You may repay us by finding that Edgeworth just suits your taste. And if it doesn't for there are some few men to whom Edgeworth is not Just the thing there's no harm done. We are glad enough to send free samples in the same spirit that we'd . band you our pouch if circumstances permitted. We wish it were possible to save you even the little trouble of writing for Edgeworth. Edgeworth is a likable smoke. Men who have tried it and found it to be the right tobacco for them never think of smoking other tobaccos. They'll tell you there are many good tobaccos and there are. And when you offer them your pouch with "stranger" tobacco in it, they may use up a pipeful just to be friendly. But notice how quickly they get back to their beloved Edgeworth! Day after day Edgeworth fans write to us. They tell us human little ...,,--; stories, friendly anecdotes centering . around Edgeworth. Often it is the number of years they have smoked Edgeworth that prompted them to write. Knowing how hard it is for the aver-a- ge man to write letters, we consider these unsolicited Sy messages the great-kgdECaa- rf est tribute to Edge--f "'.' l worth we could WWOJfM P"'bly have- -r n 'II greater even than WimH tkeincreasingsales. rSsil 14 elvea tht busl- - STf "ffTi nes ' making SSjjpCc 1 ura tnt runs f'pJJ through the whole gamut from factory ex-ecutive to the smoker in the backwoods. If you have never tried Edgeworth, let us repeat our offer, "Try a pipeful or two direct from the factory." All you have to do is to write "Let me try a pipeful or two" on a postcard, sign your name and address and send the r . postcard to us. The address is Larua & Brother Co., 74 South 21st Street, Richmond, Va. If you want to add th iiame of your tobacco dealer, we'll make sure that he has Edgeworth in stock. To Retail Tobacco Merchant : If your jobber cannot supply you with Edgeworth, Larua ti Brother Com-pany will gladly send you prepaid by parcel post a one-- or two-doz- en carton of any size of Edgeworth Plug Slice or Ready-Rubbe- d for the same price you would pay the jobber. : WOW! OFJIDDLE AGE Much Interest Being Shown in the Large Num-ber of Women Safely Carried Through the Change of Life by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound The Following Letters Are Impressive Owing to modern rnoflWB A MkbJgan Woman Helped ; few woman approach this perfectly natural change withoet ejrperieodng; Ionia, Michigan. " I was passing j Tery annoying and often painful symp- - through the Change of Life and had - torn. Those dreadful hot flashes, been under the doctor's care without nervousness, headache, melancholia any relief. A friend in Lansing, and irritability are only a few of the Mich., asked me to try Lydia E. i symptoms Incident to this trying; Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and J period of a woman's Ufa, and the I feel fifty per cent better already, f foUowintr letters prove the value of If any one in toil condition doubts Lydia ETPinkhams Vegetable Com-- the ability of Lydia E. Fink ham s pound to overcome these abnormal Vegetable Compound to help them I ionditiona. will gladly answer their letters. s Mrs. Max W. Hahn, 637 N.Jefferson ! "Flsherville, Ky- .-" For several Street, Ionia, Mich- .- 4 months I was under the doctor's care aa he .aid my nervousness, chills, hot A New YorkWoftan Helped flashes and weakness waa caused by Syracuse, if. Yi"X was used up the Change of Life, but I did not seem with nervousness, weakness and hot to get any better. I waa not able to flashes so I could hardly keep around, work and spent moat of my time in and could not get out much on d. A friend called to see me and count of those awful prickly feelings, asked me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's I read about Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound, and I cannot Vegetable Compound he ping another toll you how much good the medicine woman with symptoms like mine My did me, as I had such a hard time be-- husband got some for me, and after fore taking it I can only advise taking it five months I can get around very woman passing through the and even do my housework, washing Change of Life to Uke Lydia E. and Ironing included, end my friends Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, aa can see what a chanpe it has made n it did so much forme." Mrs Edward me." Mrs. Sidney Humphrey, 826 J B. Neal, Star Route, Fisherville.Ky. Burnet Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. f Lydia E. Plnlcbam' Private Text-Roo-k upon "Ailments 5 Pecnliar to Women' will b writ you free upon request. Vrlto f to tho Lydha E. Pinkham Mellcine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts. This book contains valuable information. mm MITCHELL EYE SALVE heals Inflamed eyee. granulated 1M, taittyea, etc. Hure. Sate. Speedy. 26o ail druggists. X Take a good dose of Carter's Little Liver Pills i Frlimrnrcl thentake2or3forafewnightsafter.Thcy I ; 1 lAK I Lew cleanse your system of all waste matter and i j YFinTer Kegnlate Your Bowels. Mild-- as easy to g j A iifPil I take aS SUgar. Ctnulnt ttat tlsnaturt 'tC 1 liUSsfca Small Pill. Small Dose. Small PriceJ CASTORIA Fcr Infants and Children In Fc? Over 20 Years A'.v-.'v- team Jff""mm DOES HOUSEWORK LIKE ITWAS PLAY Mrs. Little Declares Tanlac Re-stored Full Strength After Overcoming Indigestion. "Since taking Tanlac my trouble-hav- e left me, and I never tire of tell--4 ing about It," declarea Mrs. Johanna Little, 8032 N. 17th St, Kansas City, Mo. "My food often caused me much dis-tress from gas, sourness and heart-burn, and I scarcely ever wanted to eat Headaches, biliousness and pains in my back kept me In hot water, and I hardly ever got any restful sleep. My nerves were excited and I was so run down It was all I could do to look after my housework. . "I searched the city for the right medicine, and consider It fortunate that I found Tanlac. Indigestion, sleeplessness and nervousness never bother me now, I can do my house-work like it was play, and am strong and happy. Tanlac is simply grand." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug-gists. Over 83 million bottles sold-.- Advertisement. Avoid Soft Tires. Don't drive your car with tires that are soft or not prop-erly Inflated or you will be well started on the road to tire trou-ble, with the following results to your tires aud your pocket-boo- k: Tire heating, which destroys the valuable chemical elements necessary to both rubber and fabric. Cracking of the side walls and rim cutting and in some cases pinching of the tube. Sliding of the tire on the rim when the brakes are applied suddenly, causing the tube to tear around the valve Btem. Thread loosening from the fabric due to arc of bend in transverse direction to arc of clrcumferenca Tires puncture more easily when not properly inflated. Creates a drag and the car is slow to pick up speed. If on the front wheels steer-ing is made harder. Motor has to work much hard-er; gasoline consumption Is greater and many other effects make themselves known. AVOID SKIDDING BYTWOMETHODS Rough Tread Tires or Chains Will Prevent Trouble to Con-siderable Extent. Why an automobile Bkids is of in-terest to a motorist, but what to do to prevent skidding and what to do when the car is skidding are equally im-portant topics. The main cause of skidding of rear wheels of motor cars la due to the action of the brakes operating through the rear wheela Skidding, of course, normally occurs only when the roads are slippery. An automobile wheel rotates and progresses over the highway in but one direction or plane. This direc-tion for the rear wheels Is determined by the front wheels under control of the driver. While the rear wheels grip the ground and rotate they control the direction of the car. However, as soon as the rear wheels are locked by the brakes they begtn to slide end as they slide sldewlse practically as eas-ily as forward, they lose the power to direct the car. Little Friction Locks Wheels. It takes comparatively little brake friction to lock and slide rear wheels on slipppery roads because there Is little friction between the tire and the road surface. When once the driving wheels begin to slip the car Is kept in motion by the force of inertia acting at the car's center of gravity or mass. This forward motion is opposed by the resistance of all four wheels on the ground, a resistance that Is greater In the rotating front wheels than in the sliding reRr wheels. Unless the com-bined ground resistance of all wheels, tending to stop the car, acts on the same point as the force of Inertia tend-ing to carry the car forward, there re-sults what is called "force couple, which causes the car to skid or spin around. After the wheels once start to slip a very small "force couple" will pro-duce skidding, and the skid distance Is dependent upon the magnitude of the "force couple" which In turn .de-pends on car speed and weight. Turn-ing the front wheels in the direction of the rear wheel skid helps to reduce skidding because It reduces the magni-tude of the "force couple." Also peri-odically releasing and reapplying the brake so the rear wheels can get a grip offsets forward slip and conse-quent side skid. Ways to Prevent Skidding. Two means are employed to prevent skidding in motor vehicles. The use of nonskld or rough tread tires and of anti-ski- d chains. Nonskld tires are designed to give forward traction and to prevent side slip. As long as there Is traction tho rear wheels will turn, and as long as the rear wheels turn there will be no serious side slip, un-less the front wheels are blocked. Nonskld chains accomplish the same purpose as the nonskld tire tread, that Is, give additional traction and reduce side slip. Nonskld chains should sup-plement nonskld tires only when road conditions absolutely require them. Off the Track. On a recent stormy morning an East Michigan street street car was careen-ing along that rough stretch east of th Beit railroad tracks. The course was bumpy, to say the least. Then the car hit the smooth stretch of track west of the railroad tracks with a burst of speed and the course from then on was smooth. "Say, Mr. Conductor," expo.hilated a voice from the dark, "we must be off the track. We're going along hers mighty smoothly." IndionapoUs News. SCHEME FOR PULLING MACHINE OUT OF MUD Unique Plan Employed to Get Automobile Out of Hole. While riding one day with a neigh-bor in his car we were unfortunate enough to run into a mud hole. The rear wheels, even with the chains on, absolutely refused to tate hold, either going ahead or back. It seemed to me at first that we were In to stay; but I found that my friend was prepared for Just such, emergency. He pro-duced from the tool box two places of - i A Help to Autolsts. rope about ten feet long, two wooden stakes about 18 Inches long and a three-poun- sledge. I wondered Just what was "coming off,' but I soon learned. He drove a stake behind each rear wheel where the ground was solid. A rope wus then tied to each stake, close to the ground, run under the hub and tied to a spoke, as the cut shows. My friend started his engine, threw It Into reverse, and the engine easily backed Itself out of of the mud hole. It is worth any autolst's time, espe elclly when traveling on country roads, to add these Inexpensive articles to his equipment. V. A. Galllher In the Michigan Farmer. I Western Brevities j I from the Many X i Western States San Diego, Cal. Jame ' Simpson, nationally known professional golf piuyer, died suddenly at his home in National City, south of here. San Quentin, Cal. Gull Mohum-me- d, known also as I'llah Moham-med, was hanged at the state prison here tor the murder of his business partner. Denver, Colo. Isadore Welner, 19 years old, manager of an oil filling station, was shot and killed by a ban-dit during an attempted holdup. Salem, Ore". Roy L. Davis, horse-man and sportsman, has arrived here from Kansas City with twenty-flv-e head of fancy show horses, said to be valued at $00,000, and will make hfs home here. I.oT Angeles. Construction of the largest waterpower electric generat-ing station west of Niagara Falls, was begun here by the Southern Califor-nia Edison eompany. Houston, Tex. Announc.ment is made by the Klrby Lumber company of un advance of 10 to IS per cent in wages of men who work on a dally basts. The advance effects about 1,200 men. Denver, Colo. George M. Sanders, city detective, whose removal from office recently recommended by the Denver grand Jury, formally announc-ed his resignation from the police de-partment. Muskogee, Okla. Harry Iturton former mayor of Kansas City, Kan.; his brother and Major J. C. Scutt of Wagoner, Okla., were arrested In Wagnoer on a charge of violating the prohibition laws. fan Hernardlno, Cal. A fire swept the underworld section of Inn City on the desert, doing $25,000 damage. Thirteen buildings were burned to the ground, most of which were dance halls, saloons and other resorts. Salt Lake City. Thomas K. Mc- Kay, formerly president of the Utah state senate, was named as president of the public utilities commission of Utah. Los Angeles. P. L. Nlles, a rubber salesman of New York, was instantly killed when his auto plunged over an embankment near here. Vocatello, Idaho. The largest mortgage yet recorded in Cnrlbou county was filed by the Anaconda Copper Mining company. The copy covered 202 pages. Salem, Ore. Six months in the county Jail Is the punishment meted out to Miss Ella Wolfe, 18, who was driver of an automobile that ran down and fatally injured a woman. Portland, Ore. Consummation of orfe of tlie largest wool sales of the season, Involving 000,000 pounds of the Lake county clip, was announced here. Coast buyers took the whole at 43 cents a pound. Jerome, Ariz. One of the richest copper strikes of the day Is reported from the United Verde Extension mine, near here. Copper Is reported at 50 and or $58 a ton in the new find. St. Paul. Frank Botano confessed to slaying Louis Itottach, Thursday, declaring the victims wife had paid him $5 to commit the murder police announced. Sacramento. Cal. By a vote of 4T to 15 the state assembly passed a bill prohibiting the wearing of masks in public places except at Zoclai events. Portland, Ore. Improvements cost- - ln 5.000,000, have been authorized for 1023 on Northern Pacific railway Ifnes, according to announcement Walla Walla, Wash. An ingenious plan for escape from the state pen-itentiary here was frustrated when J. F. Wilson, a convict was found under the concrete floor of the prison Jute mill. Is Angeles. Edward Malone, a pilot, was killed and Ilerschel Me-Ke- e, mechanic, probably fatally in-jured In an airplane accident here. Los Anxeles. Ilerschel McKee, noted racing driver, was under treat-ment at n local hospital here Tues-day for Injuries he received when a plane ho was piloting plunged 800 feet to eiirtli. Los Angeles Wllllnm F. McShiine, formerly president of the Sutherland fruit coinimny, was sentenced to ten years Imprisonment and a fine of $10,000 on conviction of forcing bills of lading on stiipments of oranges to eastern cities. Pueblo, Cdlo. Consolidation of the Snnta Fe and tlie Denver and Itlo Crande Western Hallway systems Is fovored liy all of southern Colorado, according to ropresentathes. Oinlen, I'tnh. Itoslilcnts of Ashton, Idaho, find other towns In that dis-trict ure asking tho forest service for additional funds for tlie completion nf tho Wurm e rond. Denver, Colo. Four children were I'lirned to ilenth when the buy shed !n which they were playlug wa dos. 'roved hy fire here. It Happens to the Best. Edison says he has offered 45 in-ventions to the navy and evory one of them has been turned down. Writers, It seems, aren't the only ones who get their stuff sent back. RIGHT FIRING OF CYLINDERS If Not Working Properly Gasoline Is Being Wasted Learn to Use 8crewdrlvsr. Are all your cylinders firing proper-ly T If not, you are wasting gasoline and filling the dead cylinder with oil, which will carbonize when you get it firing again. Give the engine a lit-tle more gas while Idling and open the pet cocks to look for flame. If no flame spurts out the cylinder Is dead. If you have no compression cocks learn how to use a screwdriver to short-circu- it the spark plugs. If It does not affect the running of the engine it Is a dead cylinder. DONT THROW AWAY USED OIL By Adding 50 Per Cent of Kerosene to This Waste an Excellent Lubri-cant Is Obtained. Most car owners drain the oil out of the crank case about three times a year, and aa a general rule this used oil Is simply thrown away. By adding 50 per cent of kerosene to this waste oil an excellent spring lubricant Is obtained. The method of using the mixture Is to spray It over the springs once a week. The oil furnishes the lubricating means, while tbe kero-sene keeps the springs free from rust WE NOW HAVE VALVELESS TUBE : - la LJ AuloiiioMie owners will be IntercMed in knouliig Unit Sir. Conn. II. Hughes of Chlnigo, the inventor of tear g.'is, has Ju.ft completed a new Invention thai will do auay with the necessity of valves In automobile tires and tubes. Mr Hughes has arranged a mixture that will to Inside tlie tube, and when n punc-ture occurs, the mixture will flow to the opening and Immediately close it mid prevent tho escape of air. When the nlr In the Inner tube does escape, with his tilling needle, It is possible to refill it and upon the withdrawal of the neell the glue on the Inner tube will immedlarely seal the hole. Three Queens Her Guest. Sirs. K. C. Tylden of Sandrlnghatn was the proudest woman lu all Kug-lan-d when she celebrated her one hundredth birthday and had as her guests three queens. Queen Mary cnlled first to olTer her congratula-tions, and later In the day Queen Alexandra and Queen Olga of Greece honored her with n visit. |