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Show News Notes From Lark Mr. and Mrs. W. Crittenden and Scott Arnold motored to Salt Lake Sunday to attend the ball game. Miss Beatrice Howard land Miss L. Madison, of Riverton j were Lark visitors Sunday. Mrs. W. Holt, was pleasantly surprised Tuesday evening by several of the women of Lark at a shower. An enjoyable time was spent, and a late luncheon was served. The young bride received many useful presents. Mr. and Mrs. A. White motored mo-tored to Riverton Wednesday and spent the evening with Mr. ajnd Mrs. E. Seal. Mr. and Mrs.' R. P. Nell and family . motored to Riverton Monday evening and visited with friends there. Clarence Hatt, who has recently re-cently undergone an operation at Sallt Lake will return home Thursday, to the joy of relatives and friends. A number of the .people of Lark motored to Bingham Friday Fri-day night to attend the Junior Prom Mr. and Mrs. D. Thomas Mrs. A. L. Nordberg and Mr. E. H. Arnold motored to Salt Lake attended the 'theatre Saturday. Miss Vera Nordberg and Albert Al-bert Ottesen were the.; guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Ottesen of Riverton Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hatt spent Monday visiting with their son at Salt Lake. |