Show Who's News NewsWeek r Week By Delo heeler Lovelace cd ted Features Release I NEW JEW Y YORK About About RK-About About 15 years ago agoa I a 3 Br British ish officer was killed in Egypt and Sir Archibald Clark Kerr r got mighty tough with Egyptian om Gets Cats To Tobacco b acco Not No t fia Too tough M Sa Salv C 1 Iv Ultimatums From ing hurt feel Stalin to Smoke Ings London had to pretend pre tend to take Sir Archibald down a peg He was withdrawn from the main current of British diplomacy i and set to drift in South American backwaters The spanked boy came back after a a time unabashed and with a Chilean wife Maria Marla Teresa Diaz Salas Solas It was a late marriage Sir Archibald is 60 years old now But along with his admitted toughness tough tough- toughness ness it has helped keep him out in front ever since Pulling these days on the In Increasingly Increasingly increasingly In- In tangled problem of Russo British relations Sir Archibald Clark Kerr has one great asset He Re is more friendly I with Stalin than any British ambassador ambassador ambassador am am- I before him Kremlin Joe sends him good Russian to tobacco tobacco tobacco to- to bacco where previous plenipotentiaries plenipotentiaries plenipotentiaries got ultimatums semi to put in their pipes and smoke The Ambassador was Vas educated privately but his bis sheltered start doesn't seem to have handicapped him He got into the diplomatic service 35 years ago and has J Britain in Sweden Egypt Morocco and as noted in South America taking time out for fora a stretch with the Scots Guards back in 1918 Before he went to Russia he had the China assignment assignment assign assign- ment where he said a good word for this country off and on because he heis heis heis is a notable friend of at the United States O OHEN o I WHEN HEN men like Dr Huge L. L Dryden talk of a near future in which any man may fly through theair the theair theair air with ith the greatest of at ease and only a rock That All May Fly at atWith In Ing g chair With Ease Safety risk they Dr Dryden Labors turn the fancies of ot Looking Backward Into facts just about The doctor speaking from the eminence of at the presidency atthe of at the Institute of at Aeronautical Sciences Sciences argues that even now the safest sat sat- est way to make a long journey Is Isby isby isby by air He speaks with nearly youthful enthusiasm He is only 43 a smooth smooth- laced faced thinker whose forehead tapers whose chin comes to a point a man his friends can call caU a pleasant look ing lag egg and mean it two ways Pocomoke City off the salty Chesapeake would get into print seldom if he hadn't been born there and he adds luster even evento evento to Johns Hopkins university which gave him a PH PR D. D lie He Heis lieis lieis is a Marylander l who knew early early eary ear ear- ly y what he wanted Before BeCore he finished his schooling he had hired out to the Federal Bureau of f Standards and he has been with it ever since He can unravel unravel unravel un un- ravel the snarls of aerodynamics ics and hydrodynamics h into simple simple simple sim sim- speed and performance al almost almost almost al- al most before Boeing can set up upa a production line Une Whenever he hasn't anything better better bet bet- ter to do he builds another wind tunnel tunnel tun tun- tun nel because he always has a few new notions to try tryout out Wind tunnels he life time and says save cash ash for any man trying to build the foolproof airplane of the future It was wind tunnel experiments which earned him the Reed award for research research re reo re- re search in aeronautics three years back O- O o ft OTTO GEORG DR doesn't exactly say with the gre great t Louis of France that he is the law but he hee H He He's Hes e s Legal Often stands all aU primed to For Herr err Hitler ding up any I needed statute statute stat stat- ute that isn't a eady on the Reich's books At th this time he warns in Cologne t t justice must knuckle down beh e a the policy of at the state Ills His Sl s sj he c had declared earlier ji F ln n he said Every Reich ju may call on me when then he feels compelled to render a decision not n no compatible with real life Jile I shall then provide him with the law he needs Write one on the spot if U sary For six months now has been Nazi minister for Jus ins tice Lice He Re has the lie power of life and death and the con concentration centra- centra tion lod camp No one may appeal his decisions Only Hitler may revoke them Dresden in placid Saxony Is his birthplace He must have distilled a queer elixir from the towns town's china and chocolates cigarettes and postcards postcards post post- cards to become the man he is Some 20 years ago ngo he be was Vas the minister of justice just for the Duchy of Saxony But that was before be he caught onto the Hitler bandwagon on Some time later and this was Inthe Inthe in inthe the Nazi era ern he was picked to be vice minister of ot the supreme court courtat at Leipzig Then he be began to train directly for his present post It was not long before he was appointed president of at the Peoples People's court This court tried cases involving o offenses committed against the state And there was no appeal from its verdicts verdicts ver vcr either The sessions were always al- al ways Ys held In utmost secrecy |