Show I 1 E Q i SEWING CIRCLE G 13 ro- ro J i JUl 1752 52 Its It's Indispensable MOST N OST useful as well as smart is LV 1 this well-styled well front button dress which busy women everywhere everywhere everywhere every every- where are growing fonder of all the time It has an executive look about it from it-from from tail tailored red collar to to set-in set belt to ample comfortable skirt designed designed de de- Barbara Den Dell Pattern No B 1752 Is signed for sizes 34 34 30 36 lG 38 28 40 40 w 42 44 44 4 and 48 Size 30 lG with 4 i sleeve requires 4 yards Inch 39 material Send your order to J j DEPT SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN New Montgomery Street San Francisco Enclose 20 cents In coins for each pattern desired Pattern No o. o Size Name Address Addres PEN ETRO Many users usera say gay first u uze ia is C COLDS COLDS' D LD S a revelation Has a base of old C fashioned Shi ned mutton suet SNIFFLES Grandmas Grandma's favorite Gener Gener- Demand ACHES Buy Buy War Savings Bond Bonds Bonds- i t tv 1 v 4 tit EVERYWHERE On tho farm l in the suburbs and in the elites cities nutrition nutrition conscious conscious housewives are placing new dependence on Clabber er Girl the baking powder r that has been a baking day favorita favorite fay p orate orita in million S of homes fn for lor t years and years HULMAN CO TERRE RE HAUTE IND ca Founded 1848 m a CAMELS CAMEL v r. r ARE THE REAL THING IN SMOKING gA PLEASURE FOR MY MYn n Y TASTE AND MV MY a SUIT a ME TO A AMora 3 M a r w a Mora Iora Schell who works on automatic control W devices at a Sperry Gyroscope Co plant n a aTHE THE ZONE H-ZONE- WHERE ZONE CIGARETTES ARE JUDGED The ZONE Taste ZONE mT Taste and ond Throat Throat Throat-is is the proving ground for or cigarettes Only your ur IG lusty end and throat con can decide which cigarette C tastes tostes best to you and bow how it affects your our throat Dosed Based on oa the tho experience o of millions of smokers we believe Camels will Rill suit your ZONE yourT our ZONE T to aT a T T. Q r sr t n r. r ti d 4 r Js S |