Show SUMMONS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TilE THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MILLARD STATE OF UTAH FRANK PAXTON Plaintiff vs PETER M. M ANDERSON and ABIGAL ABIGAL ABIGAL ABI- ABI GAL ANDERSON his wife wiCe G. G E. E ROUNDY and MRS G. G E. E ROUNDY his wife wiCe LETA M. M ROUNDY THE CLEAR LAKE LAND AND IRRIGATION IRRIGATION IRRIGATION TION COMPANY a corporation GEORGE A. A LOWE a and n d MRS GEORGE A LOWE his wife wiCe whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown J. J C C. GAFFORD and LIZIE LIZIE LIZIE LIZ- LIZ IE T. T GAFFORD his wife the Heirs Devisees and creditors of TIMOTHY B. B SWEET S sometimes known as T. T B. B Sweet deceased JOSEPH C. C GAFFORD and MRS JOSEPH C. C GAFORD his wife wiCe whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown C. C C. C SCHEW- SCHEW and MRS C. C C. C his wife whose true and correct name Is otherwise unknown MAX ZIGMOND ZIGMOND ZIGMOND ZIG- ZIG MOND and MRS MAX ZIGMOND his wife whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown JOSEPH JOSEPH JOSEPH JOS JOS- JOS- JOS EPH ZIGMOND and MRS JOSEPH ZIGMOND his wife whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown unknown unknown un un- un- un known CULBERT ROBINSON Sheriff Sheriff Sher Sher- iff of Millard County Utah MATE B. B CROMER and MRS MATE B. B CROMER his wife whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown unknown unknown un un- un- un known THOMAS BERKENSHAW and MRS THOMAS BERKENSHAW W his wife whose true a and n d correct name is otherwise un unknown k now n WESTERN ALFALFA FARMS AND LIVESTOCK COMPANY a corporation corporation corporation corpora corpora- tion E. E A. A WILSON VILSON and MRS E. E A. A WILSON his wife wiCe whose true and correct name is otherwise Unknown unknown unknown Un- Un un un- known J. J F. F WILSON VILSON and MRS J. J F. F WILSON his wife wiCe whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown unknown unknown un un- un- un known MRS MYRTLE McDONALD and JOHN DOE McDONALD her I husband whose true and correct name is other otherwise vise unknown M. M W. W McDONALD and MRS M. M W. W McDONALD his wife wICe whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown unknown unknown un un- un- un known CHARLES L. L MAST and MRS CHARLES L. L MAST his wife whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown J. J G. G GAFFORD GAFFORD GAFFORD FORD and MRS J. J G. G GAFFORD his wife wile whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown H. H G. G SNYDER and FANNY SNYDER his wife D. D H. H LIVINGSTON and ANNIE ANNIE AN AN- ANNIE NIE A. A LIVINGSTON his wife The LIVINGSTON CATTLE COMPANY a corporation JOSEPH M. M MELVILLE MELVILLE MELVILLE MEL MEL- VILLE and nd MRS JOSEPH M. M MELVILLE MELVILLE MELVILLE MEL MEL- VILLE his wife whose true and correct name is otherwise un un- un- un known H. H S. S MITCHELL and MRS H. H S. S MITCHELL his wife whose true and correct name Is otherwise unknown A. A C. C SULLIVAN Trustee and MRS A. A C. C SULLIVAN his wife whose true and correct name Is otherwise unknown HUGH J. J GRAHAM GRAHAM GRAHAM GRA GRA- HAM Jr and MRS HUGH J. J GRAHAM GRAHAM GRA GRA- HAM Jr his wife wICe whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown HUGH J. J GRAHM Jr Trustee and MRS HUGH J. J GRAHM Jr his wife whose true and correct name Is otherwise unknown The Heirs Devisees and Creditors of ol JOHN W. W ALSBURY deceased ELSIE ELSIE ELSIE EL EL- SIE BARROWS LAWSON P. P CRANE and MRS LAWSON P. P CRANE his wife whose true and correct namIs name nam is otherwise unknown MRS R. R E. E HOLBEN J. J W. W RHOADES and MRS J. J W. W RHOADES his wife whose true a and n d correct name Is otherwise unknown H HUGH HUG U G H L. L JOHN and MRS HUGH L. L JOHN his wife whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown EXCHANGE EXCHANGE EX EX- EXCHANGE EX- EX CHANGE INVESTMENT COMPANY a corporation EXCHANGE INSURANCE INSURANCE INSURANCE ANCE COMPANY a corporation The Heirs Devisees and Creditors of C. C W. W Aldrach deceased deceased de de- deceased de- de ceased EARL R. R GAFFORD and ALICE R. R GAFFORD his wife ROY C. C GAFFORD and STELLA GAFFORD GAFFoRD FoRD FIORD his rus wife W. W J. J CRAFT and MRS W. W J. J CRAFT his wife whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown W. W J. J CROFT and MRS W. W J. J CROFT his wife whose true and correct name Is otherwise unknown unknown unknown un un- un- un known JAMES A. A ROBISON and MABEL ROBISON his wife The Heirs Devisees and Creditors Creditors Creditors Cred Cred- of pf Eliza Aldrach deceased EUGENE LEWIS Trustee and MRS EUGENE LEWIS his hh wife wiCe whose true and correct name Is otherwise unknown MINNEAPOLIS NATIONAL NATION NATION- AL BANK a corporation G. G N. N BRINK and NELLIE H. H BRINK his wife EDWIN VIN T. T BRINK and GERTRUDE GERTRUDE GERTRUDE GER GER- TRUDE H. H BRINK his wife The CUCAMONGA MORTGAGE COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COM COM- PANY a corporation LAURA J. J E. E W. W JOHN a n single man C. C L. L BOND and MRS C. C L. L BOND nOND his Ms wife wite whose whoso true and J r correct nam is ot otherwise unknown unknown unknown un un- un- un known LAURA P. P and JOHN JOlIN DOE her husband whose true and correct name Is 0 otherwise the r w I s e unknown GEORGE P PORTER 0 R H T E R 11 and MRS GEORGE PORTER his wife whose true and correct name Is otherwise unknown E. E H. H CALLISTER and MRS E. E H. H CALLISTER his wife whose true and correct name is unknown unknown unknown un un- un- un known SYVER O. O SOLUM sometimes sometimes sometimes some some- times known as ns S. S O. O Solum and MRS SYVER O. O SOLUM his wife wiCe whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown S. S O. O SOLOMON SOLOMON SOLOMON SOLO SOLO- MON and MRS S. S O. O SOLOMON his wife whose true and correct name is 0 otherwise the r w 1 s e unknown MARION SKATES and MRS MARION MARION MA MA- MARION RION SKATES his wife wiCe whose true I and correct name Is otherwise Unknown unknown unknown un un- known OLIVER F. F HOLMES and MRS OLIVER F. F HOLMES his wife wICe whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown FREDERICK NIEMEYER and MRS FREDERICK NIEMEYER his wife whose true and correct name Is otherwise Unknown unknown unknown un un- known BLANCHE N. N WORTH WORTHAM AM and JOHN DOE WORTHAM her husband whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown J. J R R. WORTHAM and MRS J. J R. R WORTHAM WORTHAM WOR WOR- THAM his wife wiCe whose true and correct name Is otherwise Unk unI unknown un un- I k known n now o w n ARLINGTON HEIGHTS I FRUIT COMPANY a corporation FRANK H. H LOWE Trustee and I MRS FRANK H. H LOWE his wife whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown GENEVIEVE E. E and JOHN DOE BINGEY RIN- RIN GEY her husband whose true and correct name is otherwise un un- known The Heirs Devisees Legi Legi- tees Creditors Assigns and successors successors successors suc suc- suc- suc in interest to any of the personal defendants and the CredItors Creditors Creditors Cred Cred- assigns and successors in In Interest interest interest in- in terest of any of the above named corporate defendants should any of the same cease to exist as corporations corporations cor cot and all other persons claiming any right title estate therein or interest in the real property property property prop prop- erty described in the Complaint adverse adverse adverse ad ad- verse to Plaintiffs Plaintiff's ownership or any cloud upon Plaintiffs Plaintiff's title thereto Defendants THE TIlE STATE OF UTAH TO THE HE SAID DEFENDANTS You are hereby summoned to appear appear appear ap ap- ap- ap pear within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you I if served within the County InI in I which this action is brought I otherwise within thirty days after service and defend the above entitled entitled entitled en en- titled action and In case of your failure so to do judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the Complaint which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court This action is brought to quiet title on the following land in Millard Millard Millard Mil- Mil lard County Utah The West of the Southwest of Section Twenty nine 29 Township Nineteen 19 South of Range Eight 8 West Vest Salt Lake Base and Meridian and containing containing contain contain- ing lag 80 acres more or less And the Southeast 1 Ji of the Northwest i and the East 2 of the Southwest K of Section Twentynine Twentynine Twentynine ty-nine ty 29 Township Nineteen 19 South of Range Eight 8 West Salt Lake Base and Meridian and containing acres more or less And t the h e Northwest U V of the Southeast K 14 the South h. h of the Northeast 4 i and the East If of the Southeast i of Section Twentynine Twentynine Pwen- Pwen ty-nine ty 29 Township Nineteen 19 South of Range Eight 8 West Salt Lake Base and Meridian Meridian Meri Men dian and containing acres more or less And the Northwest M lA of the Northwest U of Section Thirty- Thirty three 33 the Southeast Vi 4 of the Southeast V 4 of Section Thirty- Thirty five 35 and the Southwest U 4 of Section Thirty-six Thirty 36 all in Township Nineteen 19 South of Range Eight 8 West Salt Lake Base and Meridian and containing acres more or less And the Southeast X 4 and the theE E East a s t of Southwest tt of Section Thirty 30 Township Nineteen 19 South of or Range Eight 8 West Salt Lake Base and Meridian and containing acres more or less And the East the South V. V of the Northwest V and the Southwest U of Section Twenty- Twenty Eight 28 Township Nineteen 19 South of Range Eight 8 Ve West s t Salt Lake Base and Meridian anc and containing acres more or less And all of Section Twenty-seven Twenty 27 Township Nineteen 19 South of Range Eight 8 S West Salt Lake Base and Meridian EXCEPTING EXCEPTING EXCEPTING EX EX- EX- EX however the Northwest U of the Southeast 7 of said Section Section Sec See tion 27 Also excepting the r railroad a i I 1 r o 0 a d way right-of-way and any other rights- rights way of-way or roads of record or ex ex- ex- ex on said land And the West Vest of the Southwest Southwest Southwest South South- west Vt and the Southeast 14 of the Southwest i of Section two Thirty-two 32 Township Nineteen Nineteen Nineteen Nine Nine- teen 19 South of Range Eight 8 West Vest Salt Lake Base and Meridian and containing acres more or less And the East One half E. E 1 the North One half N. N of the Northwest quarter NW V. lA 4 and the Southeast q quarter arter SE eSE 4 of oft t th the e Southwest quarter SW of Section Thirty-four Thirty 31 34 Township Nineteen 19 South of Range Eight 8 S West Salt Lake Base and Meridian EXCEPTING however from the above described tract of land the railroad right pf And the Northwest U the West of the Northeast and the Southeast i A of the Northeast of Section Two 2 and the North 11 of the Northeast U and the Southwest t U of ot the Northeast U of Section Four 4 all in Township Township Township Town Town- ship Twenty 20 South of ot Range Eight 8 West Salt Lake Base and Meridian DUDLEY CRAFTS Attorney for Plaintiff P. P O. O Address Delta Utah First Publication 43 3 Final Publication 8 43 i |