Show School Play Scheduled for March 31 The school play has been chosen chos chos- en by Mrs Rayda Knight director of the Speech department The play is Lavender and Old Lace by Rose Warner Varner and Is taken taken taken tak tak- en from Myrtle Reeds Reed's most popular popular popular lar and loved best-loved novel Charm excitement and broad humor will ill make this play one to remember The cast of characters characters' are arc Miss Mary Ainslie Llanos Lianos Allred Alired Jane Hathaway Donnetta Works Ruthe Thorne Thome Pat Pace Bernice Carlton Zola Cooper Carl Winfield Bob Jenson Trotter Lois Twitchell Dr Howard Patterson Orvin Barney Hepsy LuDean Twitchell James Ball George Morrill Joe Pendleton u Jeff Woods This play will be presented Wednesday Wednesday Wed Wed- March 31 at in the Delta High School auditorium Louiza Beckstead is student tor or |