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Show --h;"P' JoKory. an)J Maurine Jeliery. Guests present were Angie Warner, Norma Han-nifi- n and Martha Christensen Is Club Elosiess To I.yrie Ixre was held at the non'of'carol Schlappi on Thurs dav Feb 23. Dinner was seicu a;d attended x;.own,bs members had lecture earlier that evening. were Caro Members present Gardner, Ha net Schlappi Verna Lucille Hor-U- n HKso, , Mary Bassett, Elea-nor' Pearl Snow, Cora Harris, Skldmore --1"?' Gardner, Olive Bainey, RayTa Rawlinson, AUceGardner, MltLARD COUMTY CHRONICLE i Delta, Utah, Thurs., March 9.I9DC Leumiiigion Mrs. Pearl Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Wells Nielson and Dan and Al Harder, attended a funeral in Manti last Wednesday for an uncle. Mr. and Mrs .Leonard Dutson spent the week in Salt Lake City visiting with their children. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Memmott from Spanish Fork spent Sunday visiting friends and relatives in Leamington. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Dutson are visiting in Leamington and Lynn-d-with their parents, while he is on vacation. TVTr Mro rtoll RrorlfiM nnd grandsons, Dennie and Larry spent Sunday visiting in Scipio with W. W. Bradfield. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Lambright en-tertained at a chicken dinner in honor of Mrs. Dell Bradfield's birth day. Mrs. Bradfield received many lovely gifts. Her children attended. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fielding and family spent Sunday visiting his brother, Fay, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nielson spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wells Nielson. Fred Finlinson and sons spent Saturday and Sunday visiting his father and family. Ray Anderson spent the week-end visiting his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Oren Nielson visit-ed over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Nielson. Eva Bradfield and Ruth Nielson son home over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Clead Nielson drove to Nephi taking Clead's mother, Mrs. Emma Nielson, up to see the doctor. Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman went to Helper with Mr. and Mrs. Black, who have been here visiting them. They will visit Mr. and Mrs. Edon Coleman and family, then Mr. and Mrs. Black will re-turn to their home in Grand Junc-tion, Colo. Mrs. Black and Mrs. Coleman are sisters. Mrs. Mary Smith reecived word she has a new grandson born to her daughter, Alta, in Magna. Mr. and Mrs. Lile Johnson and family visited in Provo Sunday, also Frank Johnson. Mrs. Opal Lambright entertain-ed in honor of her mother, Mrs. Maggie Bradfield last Wednesday, it being her birthday. A big fam-ily dinner was served to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bradfield and fam-ily, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Brad-field and children and Mr. and Mrs. Dell Bradfield. A beautiful birthday cake centered the dinner table. Dr. and Mrs. Norman Oborn and daughter, Jean, were down Tues-day for a visit with the Earl Greathouse family. They enjoyed the Gold and Green Ball in the evening. Mrs. Josephine Sudbury of Salt Lake City, is here with her daugh-ter, Mrs. Jerry Nielson and family. Oiik City Mae H. Shipley Sunday evening services were under the direction of the Relief the program. 1 he Society who gave theme was "The Home." It was very interesting with two readers and the story told with panto-mime pictures. A party was a sock and hanky shower was held Friday evening at the amusement hall in honor ol Elder Myron Christensen, who will leave for his mission soon. Forty-fou- r danced and played games. Re-freshments were served. Saturday evening a dance was held for Elder Christensen. Many fronTstUkTcity were Oak son their sisters, Em-ma City visitors with and Ueen. Finlinson and daugh-ter, Mrs. Lydia Clara, are in Spanish Fork soending the week. Mrs. Ellis Anderson vis-ited in Richfield Saturday and Sun day with her mother. Mr and Mrs. Carwin Nielson and children visited two days in Oak Citv They are happy to show their new baby to friends and relatives Mr and Mrs. Daryl Talbot and little son are visiting at Holden with her parents for about two weeks. friends were present, also all local friends and relatives. A large amount of cash was rais-ed to assist this mission cause. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Lyman and Mr. and Mrs Dilworth Lyman from Clearfield, visited in Oak City. El-der Dilworth has recently return-ed from a mission. Mr. and Mrs. Junius Anderson are home for spring work after attend ing school at Cedar City this win-- 1 ' ter. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Anderson and John Nielson spent a week in Salt Lake City. La Mae Finlinson was visiting in Oak City a few days from Ce-dar City. Merlene and Merton Lovell were spending a few days at home. They are at St. George this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Lovell and children went to Logan for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Robison and little daughter, Evelyn, spent the weekend in Provo with his par- - ents. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Vincent vis-ited their mother, Mrs. Caddie Lov-ell, who is ill. Their home is in Grace, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Talbot and children visited . a few days in Salt Lake and Ogden. Mrs. Angeline Mecham visited from Tropic with her father, John Lovell and other relatives. Mrs. Nada Simpson and children Visited her parents a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Strong and spent last Monday in Provo shop-ping. Miss Verdene Finlinson was home from school for a visit. A Primary preparation meeting was held at the home of Ruth Nielson last Monday night. Plans for a conference were completed and light refreshments served. A stake Court of Honor was held in Leamington last Sunday night. A large group of Scouts and par-ents attended.' The Leamington and Oak City troops won the bu-gles for this month. A Republican mass meeting was held in the schoolhouse Monday evening to elect a chairman for Leamington precinct for the com-ing year. Wilma Lovell was elec-ted chairman, LaForge Lovell, vice chairman; Klee Finlinson, secre-tary and treasurer. Committeemen were Dean Harder, John Anderson, Grace Fielding. The county dele-gate was Rich Finlinson and the state delegate Joseph T. Finlinson. After the meeting a square dance was held and refreshments served. Everyone had a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Larson from Milford visited with Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Nielson during the week. Mrs. Ruth Finlinson has her fath er, Mr. Rosengreen, visiting her for a few weeks. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION FINAL PROOF Form "F" I, Mrs. Betty Baker of Delta Utah who made entry No. 654 under provisions of Chapter 2 Title 75, Compiled Laws of Utah 1907, as amended, commonly known as the "Carey Act," which embraces NE'i SE',4, SV2 NEV of Section 28 & NW',i SW4 Se-ction 27, Township 17 South of R. 6W. do hereby give notice of my intention to make final proof to establish my claim to the land above described, and that I expect to prove that l have settled upon reclaimed and cultivated said lands as required by the laws and the rules and regulations relative thereto before C. D. McNeely who is the authorized representative of the State Land Board of the State of Utah at Delta, Utah, Saturday on April 1, 1950 by two of the fo-llowing witnesses: Doyle Pace of Delta, Utah; Fred Hauman of Delta, Utah; William Beach of Delta, Utah; L. S. Teeples of Delta, Utah. Mrs. Betty Baker, Entryman First publication March 2, 1950 Final publication March 30, 1950 BY MARY TOKNSON The Relief Society under the di-rection of President Rhea What-cot- t, was in charge of the Sunday evening church services. The theme "The Latter-da- y Saint Home" was carried out. The stake board mem-ber visiting was Mrs. Mary Henrie, who gave a very interesting talk. Two songs were sung by the Sing-ing Mothers. The Gold and Green ball was held Tuesday evening. A very beautifully decorated hall carried out the theme "An Old Fashioned Garden." A lagre crowd attened and music was furnished by the Nebo Knights. The queen, Shirley Sheriff, king, Ivy J. Nielson, with attendants Marlene Mills and Or-le- Overson were at the throne behind the little flower girls, Kathlyn Nielson and Jane Nelson. Gary Wiley was the crown bearer. All looked very lovely as they marched to the throne. Mr. and Mrs. Herbet Abegglen, son, Rex, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Banks drove to Salt Lake Wednesday for the funeral of Mrs. Banks' neph-ew, James DeLong. Kirt Roper of Provo was down and visited his daughters, Beryl and Glenna and families. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills drove to Salt Lake City and brought home their daughter, Cherie, and tiny baby girl who are just out of the hospital. Cherie will remain with her parents for several weeks. Mrs. Rhea Whatcott. had her daughters home for a visit this week. Eva Howlett of Kanosh and Cleo Dutson of Provo were here. , Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson spent two days with Mrs. Lile Johnson this week. Friday Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson left for Los Angeles for several days visit with relatives. Miss Colleen Nielson was home for a few days this past weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nielson. She went back to Cedar City Sunday. Quite a number of our local basketball fans took in the Beaver Delta game at Richfield Monday night. Mrs. Maurine Miller and child-ren drove up from Milford and spent the day Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Banks. Mrs. Jeannette Schwab of Lund, Nevada, is here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Overson. She is here for the wedding of her sis-ter, Orlene, which will take place at the family home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Banks receiv-ed word that their little grand-son, Johnny, son of Mr. and Mrs. DeLong Banks, Is in the Utah Val-ley hospital in Provo recovering from an operation. Mrs. Jennie Huddleston returned home from Salt Lake City Monday where she has been visiting her daughter, Virginia and family. Tillman Johnson stopped on his way back to school from Ogden where he attended the junior col-lege basketball tournament, and visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lile Johnson. He returned to Cedar City Monday with his grandfather, Frank Johnson, of Hurricane, who has been visiting at the Lile John- - (A Ml ,i,ii,iTv' ( M DY-- - Working with other farm groups such as Farm Bureau and your Co-o- p council to assure agriculture of consideration in ,, 4egislative and economic matters. Continually helping f to cut costs ''N and build farm income. OWlPOULTlty , AND FARMERS CO-O- P I I QciwraJ OtfiCTS MM SMk M TtoU - -- - -- - SallUUCtr, CWnum Bram-hr- Utmk mJ Southern Ultih ' is to b a? i OHO b ,5 what TO eer the ts-- t ,F OLD-TI- aUAUT HERe's T TA OAODY GLflr. j ""'' rr VOU VtfANT IMPERIAL r )JS Imperial is made by Hiram Walker. Blended whiskey. 86 proof. 70 grain neutral spirits. Hiram Walker & Sons Inc., Peoria, Illinois. tap ssr"s ; WW $&2Sg!&S. ) gsssyq TURNER a DRAPER DELTA - - - - UTAH i'jHfg5s3i in FULLERS 'raLii JEWEL CASE 3 inr of COLOR Jff livj LA n xD Plan exciting interiors with the magic of Stj " U UU U " Fuller's Jewel Case of Colors ... and the o vl I assurance of Fuller's dependable quality. See rumR - II I jJ I us fr ideas on new beauty with paint. Pfl,KTS fS25 fullcB fpOaints IpCiE$J fIlHBrll!lf - "3 J Fuller paint$ I J A IS?) I PAINTS TJl DECORET ENAMEL FULLER FULLCOAT FUL-GLOS- S 6 A perfect finish for bath, Fuller's famous oil-ba- finish Lovely enamel finish for walls kitchen, furniture . . . every-- . and woodwork. Stands re-- - for interior walls. Makes wall where you want the utmost ; peated washings. ; in wear and beauty. Clear, surfaces rich and satin-smoot- i. V sparkling colors . . . lustrous, . . . easy to care for . . . FULLERYEAR I porcelain-lik- e finish. because it has a genuine oil A tough and wear-resista- nt gP FREE IDEAS FOR base. And Fuller's matched floor enamel that "stands the n.V THE USE 0F colors make it easy to harmon- - gaff." For all types of fbrc J COLOR IN . MODERN HOMES 'ze our t'ecora,m9 scheme. popular colors. Open the door yTp-2- ... and gel the Ford "Fo" Xs4 Ford's new design exterior handles open at a feather touch. Anchored at both ends, sleeves can't catch. Sit in the foarr, rubber seat 5! k ' jQfpfn Ian, nw llii-- fJtft naled timing ge ri, j 1 II i M (?(MW niet il if 1 Oliirifk MWWJ) while 'I "i"1"' I 111 ilf5LfWi StePnthegas 1 IB lalbiSJ .""' gel th Ford "Feel" Jus, signal tor power on tt.. i i treadle-a- nd feel Ford's miehW j powerplant respond! or m. . AA Both are tops for smoolh, spirkW ST7 y performance, anywhere. .t; -- ,: . Steer for the bumps famous ..m ...and get,he Ford 1 'S'Sji!"'S; yiVV Coil" and Sjwi" W, iSi simply soak up Touch a toe to the brake i . . and get ffce Ford "Feel" 'kC For0" e Brakes use part of the ft yJ M,'s on momentum for extra slopping H f s power. You gel smooth, straight line slops with 35 less pedal pressure. Then step back ten pates , n ...ond get the Ford "Looks" ''"TX With 'Fashion Car" Styling . . . with M lhV- - new baked-o- n colors ... '50 Ford looka f the quality car, too! "Test Drive" it Jf iT v Y today. You'll find the '50 ' Ford is f --Xl Y the one fine car in its field. V H t I " " The nlY Car its Fild with AUTOMATIC OVERD "TEST DRIVE" it today at your Ford Dealer's - It will open your eyed |