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Show NATURE'S REMEDY (NR) TAB. LETS A purely vegetable laxative to ' relieve constipation without the uaii griping, sickening, perturbing ienJ1 F tions, and does not cause a rash. Ti, : NR you will see the difference. U i coated or candy coated their ctio f is dependable, thorough, yet geotle u millions of NR'i have proved. Get i k 25c box and use as directed. J Vlr WTO-night's FUSSY STOMACH? RELIEF FOR ACIDjS GAS AND Mm HEARTBURN THETUMHyi STRAIN?; SORETONE Liniment'i Heating Pad Action k Gives Quick Relief! t When fatigue. exposure putmisery in musclaie, dons and back, relieve such symptoms ouri, ": with the liniment specially made for this pu :4 Soretone Liniment contains effective nifcA dent ingredients that act like glowing j -from a heating pad. Helps attract fresh me blood supply. Soretone is in a class by itself. Fast rot satisfying relief assured or price refunded Ji " ' Economy size SI. 00. Try Soretone for Athlete's Foot. KAMI M types of common fungi onconiactl , , ikri j!$ itkem FREE Kli I P W I J F Aa e" UT' fandu . ju"sssIsrMafisatenporir7 nlitli " 5 molting PAGE'S INHALERS. Plraait iwwrtnl drug stores. Send for fmstmple&CoiuoliiiiladQBS Co., 807Cbftrry, Grand Rapids 6, IBdk Us pit) RELIEF AT LA!! FcrYoarC0!i0j Creomulsion relieves promptly beta it goes right to the seat of the trot!; to help loosen and expel germ It: phlegm and aid nature to soothe heal raw, tender, inflamed brace: t,s mucous membranes. Tell your drogu ';,ai to sell you a bottle of Creomofc l itsii with the understanding you nrosll I the way it quickly allays the c i or you are to have your money bta y.ii? CREOmULSIOI! forCoughs.ChestColds.Brond'J.rg y -, I'm DEL0USED Witht? BLACK LEAF 40 ft ' lApplisd to room 1 01V " ' Kondy Cop-Bruth) "JTajy'i,lreoli0" Sfl p : "i (CflilMc Are you going tbnyag tlonal middle ' PJ if to women (38 to M fjj5'3i, make) you uflei from to' "L, feel so nervout, hlgtotro t ( Then do try Idla B. ! (W , Veget&blt Compound to reut" symptoms. Plnkham's also baa what Doctors can Utici m&cnle tonic effeot I t?4 t VLYDIAE.PIKKHASi', Help Them Cleanse tbe i of Harmful Body ""i Your kldneyi wsst. matter from tha blood r , I kidneys sometimes Is! m ,tS11i a,"' not act as Natur. lntenW-1 , move Impurities that, ,11 poison the system and UP" , -Pt body machinery. . Symptoms may bs ts,j,: t! , 1 persistent hs.daehfcatucMb getting up nights, ffV t!iiktj,, under th. eyes-a ,'dV W 1 anxiety and loss ol W "lg . Other signs o Mf JV order are sometime. bornlM'- too frequent urination. , m There should be no dm" "J, treatment Is wiser than f, Doon's Pills. Dm '1?:' V1 j.S new Iriends (or mors , They have a hfK V t Are recommended I by JS country over. Ait 0'"V1 " , |