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Show Hinckley Mrs. Harriet Spendlove Sunday evening the program was given by the Relief Society. It was an unusaully good meeting. Beulah Balck, Relief Society president, pres-ident, conducted the meeting which consisted of Congregational singing; sing-ing; a vocal trio by Julia Bliss, Bertha Love, accompanied by Ruth Talbot; a talk by Beulah Black. Esther Swensen gave the main talk of the evening of "America, The Cradle of Liberty". Dana Bishop Bish-op gave a musical reading '"Fabric of Freedom, With Ruth Talbot the organ. This was folowed by an organ and piano duet by Ruth Talbot and Bertha Love, song by the congregation. Closing prayer was offered by Mrs. Mary Reeve. Mr. ad Mrs. Carlos Bishop and son of Cedar City spent the week end ajt their home in Hinckley. Carlos is attending school there. Joy Stewart, who also attends school in Cedar City, was home for the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Nielson and Mrs. Emma Nielson spent a few days of this week visiting in Salt Mr! and Mrs. Cluff Talbot left early Wednesday morning for Cedar Ced-ar City. Cluff will attend a three-day three-day school there on how to take care of farm tractbrs. He will then give these lessons in Hinckley when he returns home. Mrs. Talbot will spend her time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. El-dro El-dro Rigby. Bert Faris, who is employed at TOD Park was home for the weekend week-end with his family. Mr. Blaine Robinson spent part of last week in Denver attending the Rocky Mountain Farmers' Un. Conference. Mrs. Belva Morris entertained the Rook club at her home last Wednes day. 24 of her friends enjoyed a delicious luncheon and a delightful delight-ful evening of playing Rook. |