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Show DHS Parents' Day Is Outstanding, Vote AI! Parents One of the most successful Parents' Par-ents' Days in 23 years, and that covers a large territory, was held last Thursday at Delta high school Between 9 and 9:30 a.m., more than 250 parents had registered. Three hundred were there for the hot lunch at noon, an.d at the afternoon assembly around 350 attended. 500 were out for the. evening program and dance. Officers of the parents' organisation organis-ation who helped plan the day were Lilac Holman, president;- Mel-vin Mel-vin J. Roper, vice president; Amelia Cole, secretary; Avery Bishop, Editor, Ed-itor, the Whizzer; Yell masters, Martha Dutson, Dick Wind; Glen Hortin. athletic manager; Charlie Williams and Chlora Twitchell, cam paign managers. The faculty com- mittee assisting was Glen W. Seeg-miller, Seeg-miller, Merlin Christensen, Evan Christensen, S. D. Anderson, Lucille Billings and Violet G. Snow. At the morning assembly Mrs. Holman Hol-man introduced her officers andMr. Seegmiller introduced the teachers. Supt. A. M. Maughan made a short talk. Music was given by Mrs. Leo-na Leo-na Prestwich, a soprano solo, with Dick Morrison as accompanist. Geo. Chamberlain played a saw solo, with Mrs. Chamberlain at the piano Then class sessions were held, for three periods, with each teacher holding classwork and the parents electing which they chose. TO PLAN NEXT DAY After the lunch period, elections were held with the red ticket sweep ing the field. New officers, whose prime duty will be planning next annual Parents' Day, are Marie Moody, president; Paul Adams, vice president; Mary Wright, secretary; Loa Black, editor; Cora Day and Frank Law yell masters; Max Hann ifin, athletic manager; Hannah Larson Lar-son Burnis Finlinson campaign man agers. PROGRAM FROM U. OF U. The auditorium was well filled for the afternoon asembly. M Ward Moody gave the invocation, and Alton Hadlock of the University of Utah extension division, took charge of the meeting. He introduced introduc-ed Dr. Homer Durham, who was the principal speaker. As Dr. Durham field is political science at the U. of U., he based his talk on that subject, giving his listeners a sound and forceful talk. The U also sent two students who provided music, Miss Gerry Thompson, who sang a soprano solo and gave two encores, and Miss Janice Beck, who accompanied accom-panied Miss Thompson, and also played a piano solo, and gave an encore. At the afternoon ball game, the parents were the winners, with the faculty trailing behind. After an hours rest period, parents again j asemb'ed in the auditorium, for the movies. j SNOW BRINGS OPERA ' The night program was outstanding. outstand-ing. Snow College, making their first trin to Delta presented the pro gram. They asked Wednesday if they should bring their school opera Victor Herbert's Red Mill, their only request being for a full house. That was readilv granted, and more than fullfilled. More than 500 filled the auditorium, on extra chairs brought in. Find standing, whie the cast of , 75 Snow Players rollicked through I their performance. I The Red Mill is always a favorite gay and tuneful, and the Snow college col-lege cast were excellent in their parts, with great applause going to the two comedians. The show was directed by Harry A. Dean, 'Joseph W. Crane and Donna Hogge. Travelling so far the troupe coud not bring their specially designed scenery, but the skill of their performance per-formance covered up that lack. They brought their own orchestra, and attractive costumes for the Hoi land setting. After the show, the entire group were guests of the high school at a supper served in the lunch room. Final event of the big day was the old time dancing to old time music in the gym. |