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Show SEWING CIRCLE PATTERNS cHovelij lficlitie j-or JrouAAeau wardrobe Free gift pattern printed Inside In-side the book. SEWING CIRCXE PATTERN DBPT. 930 South Wells St. CMtag 7, BL Enclose 25 coaci In coins or each pattern desired. Pattern No Size Address To Relieve Your Cough, Mix This Recipe, at Home You'll be surprised haw quickly and easily you can relieve coughs due to colds, when you try this splendid recipe. re-cipe. It gives you about four times as much cough medicine for your money, and you'll find it truly wonderful. . Make a syrup by stirring 2 cup3 of granulated sugar and one cup of water a few moments, until dissolved. No cookine needed it's no trouble at all. (Or you can use corn syrup or liquid honey, instead of sugar syrup.) then put 2 ounces of Pinex (obtain, ed from any druggist) into a pint bottle, and fill up with your syrup. This makes a full pint of medicine that will please you by its quick action. ac-tion. It never spoils, and tastes fine. N This simple mixture takes right hold of a sough. For real results, you've never seen anything better. It loosens the phlegm, soothes the Irritated membranes, and eases the soreness. Pinex is a special compound of proven ingredients, in concentrated form, well-known for Its quick action m coughs and bronchial irritations. Money refunded if it doesn't pleas yon in every way. Pinex la Fast Belief t Cafeteria Service Down on the Farm Using his "calf bar," Art Schmidt ol Luverna, S. D., can feed 100 calves in 40 minutes. The device consists of a nipple, attaehed to a rubber tube which is dropped into a two quart glass jar. The "bar" feeds eight calves at a time; when the jars are empty, the calves which emptied them are put in a separate pen and eight more "customers" are turned in. When calves are slow in "catching "catch-ing on" they receive preliminary training with a nipple pail a bucket with a large rubber nipple protruding from' its side, from which they quickly learn to suck. Easily Sewn Gown DRETTY enough for a trousseau is this lovely round-necked gown that's such easy sewing. Just four pattern pieces. A drawstring draw-string waist makes it fit just right, lace sweetens the neckline. Pattern No. 1869 is for sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 10; 40 and 42. Size 14, 3 yards of 35 or 39-inch; lT's yards trimming. Send an extra quarter for your copy of the Spring and Summer FASHION it's brimful of Ideas for a smart spring A Safe, Sound Investment Buy U. S. Savings Bonds! Outdoor Fireplace Is Easy to Build FOR WMOtjt& em mm Mrs mm N&DWYfiST? no fcjfi . Jl'r-T A SUPPLY RISHT I (RISESWST.TOor) . C kept Au-my RRite) EXTRA-ACTIVE V ' ! AxwB4 !A ppyrm. WT SPRINKLE INTO LUKE-1 J j,fr CCW WM WATER, LET I r"l,...,j fi-fA STAND 10 MIMUTES, 1 S1;VW' -.THEN STIR WELL W5S32jfefL L00K-get 3 packages fi15; ' 'want it there it is!, fegJ3 times as many Jf women prefer S FLEISCIIMANN'S YEAST TF YOU really want to enjoy A picnics in your own backyard, build this fireplace. The Easi-Bild Easi-Bild method of construction takes 1 all the mystery out of bricklaying. bricklay-ing. It tells how to dig foundations, founda-tions, size and depth needed, also the best cement mixture to use. Easy to understand, step by step Instructions and clear assembly illustrations illustra-tions simplify procedure. All materials can be purchased at any lumber yard. No special tools or previous experience are needed. Send 25e for Pattern No. 73 to Easi-Blld Easi-Blld Pattern Company, Dept. W., Pleas-ahtvilie, Pleas-ahtvilie, New York. Py"'' "yrw?p!fyotsgy' Quj,- relief with isoothes ) 'A - ' -1 M ENTHOLATU WI i MmBRAtlES j; jvj I Don,t Iet clogged-up nostrils It x? ' 1 3 eeP yn K3?11? fr breath E $ -1 -T- J Mentholatum. Your head h$J5 '""V " i starts 10 dear n burry u ffo 5fV-l Mentbolatum'i famous com- "y 1 1 binatioo of menthol, camphor X ajsi?5 ilirVJ and other fast-acting ingredi- C "l jr ents helps thfn out thick mucus, ji lessen congestion and swell- 'l A t, 1 L V S 'n8 ootne inflamed mem- M '7 ' " i,s'"I'-- W'x I branes. Soon you can breatbt NTj HELPS YOU BATHe ij 1 " 35 and 75J i l,, EASlLy ! , iJkJ jt-.jS (QQOQf I 1 QMOKE Camels and test them in your ;1 ? ' U "T-Zone" (T for taste, T for throat). If, at " any time, you are not convinced that Camels ; S are e mest cigarette you've ever smoked, ; 'I K ' J return the package with the unused Camels and J , y we WLL1 refund its full purchase ' ? - I j Price Plus Pstage- V V ? 'wl r-1! (Signed) R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., . i J rtw A-jnM - 1 Will Wto'Ji j A UiQi4Aj&iiatn.mmtxMXii-.--Ti"a M itiiXiliMlMMjilMlliJl-LlLLIlL ltllIsLMtlMls-l-LLLJMutlt" "i "'v1fit 1 1 WiflW ftiiYH--- ij |