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Show Young People Participate In Evening Services The Sunday evening meeting was under the direction of the stake MIA, its theme being "Now is the time to read the word of God." The program included two talks given by Colleen Nielson of Lynndyl Lynn-dyl and Richard Dewsnup of Deseret. Des-eret. Their subjects were "Why read the Scriptures" and "The reading read-ing course for the M. I. A.", respectively. res-pectively. Explanations were made of the four standards of works of the church by youngsters and then special scriptural readings were given, one from each of the four books: The Bible, The Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants Coven-ants and The Pearl of Great Price. Participating here were- Scott Sheriff, Sher-iff, Helen Skeem, Pat Pratt, Kenneth Ken-neth May, Colleen Mortensen, and Clesse Hilton. A chorus from Lynndyl, directed by Brother Woodbury, sang "The King of Glory", accompanied by Erma Roper, and a male quartet from Hinckley, accompanied by May Cropper, sang "An Angel from on High". Sister Roma Ekins gave organ music before and after the meeting. meet-ing. Brother Fenton Gardner, High Councilman advisor of the M. I. A. climaxed the evening with a short talk. |