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Show Air Itnlds on ficrninn Town Decided On. London, Oct, 3, (Dclayod). According Ac-cording to tho Standard a policy of reprisals for Gorman air raids hai beon decided upon. That such a decision had been roached by. tho British goernmont was Indicated by Prom'or Lloyd George's statement on Tueiiila that Oermany would bo bombed with com- pound lntorest. Lieut. Gen. Smuts Favors Airplane Raids. , London, Oct. 4. "Applying tho principle- of 'an eye for an eyo and a tooth for a tooth' we are most reluctantly re-luctantly forced to apply to tho enemy en-emy the bombing policy which ho has applied to us," Lieut. Gen. Smuts, former commander of tho expedition against German East Africa, today declared In an address to tho presidents presi-dents of tho chamber of commerce of the United Kingdom. Defeated on tho battlefield and balked in the submarine campaign Germany is now In impotent rage more and more striking at us through our non-combatants, through our women and children." Aerial warfare against the- defense less was the now weapon. Ho said H and predicted it would not' only fall H but would prove to bo a terrible H boomerang. H Continuing, Gen. Smuts said: H "Last month our naval and mill- H tary airplanes dropped 207 tons of H bombs behond tho lines of tho en- ,H emy. In tho samo period he dropped H four and one-half tons of bombs on H London. In that month wo bombed H htm on 23 days and dn 19 nights, H chiefly attacking his airdromes and, H as tho figures show, damaging his H machines and pitting his airdomes H with shell holes. Wo also bombed H his billets, trains, transports and H railway stations, causing htm. tho H heaviest losses." H |