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Show NEWS OF THE WEEK FROM RICHMOND Richmond, Oct. 5. October 1 was duck day, but very few birds In our I vicinity wcro sacrificed to tho huntsmen. hunts-men. Fruit season Is nt Its height and tho housewives aro busy preserving for winter. Peaches nnd tomatoes aro plentiful nnd selling at one dollar per bushel. Apples and plums are raised In abundanco, and efforts are being made to tako care of them all either by drying or bottling and preserving. pre-serving. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whittle and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoddard have returned re-turned from an extensive auto trip through tho Star valley country. Monday ovenlng will mark th9 closing season for tho Beehlvo girls, and an entertainment, including all tho Junior girls, will bo given at 8 p. m.. Tickets will bo sold at 15 cents, and tho procoeds will bo used to got the chains and bracelets that aro given as prizes for qualifications' In different subjects. Among those who are attending the conference nnd fair In Salt Lake City may be mentioned. They aro as follows: Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, Ander-son, Mr. and Mrs. B. Y. Monson, Mrs. Martha. Ann Lewis nnd daughter, Hazel; Mrs. M. J. Harrison, Mrs. H. A. Adamson and daughter, Bonne; Mrs. Bessie Merrill, Mrs. Alice Bar-nett, Bar-nett, Mr. and Mrs. Alma Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hendricks. Mr. A. A. Thomas with daughter, Mildred; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Webb. A letter was recolved from Alvin Lawrence, Sunday, dated at Amerl- Ican Lake, where ho states that all the boys that left here two weeks ago had taken their last examination, and all but Alma Peterson and Osborn Lawrence had passed. It Is not known yet whether they will conn back home again or will be used in the army for lighter service. Mrs. Phebe Dahle of Hansel valley Is at homo with her mother, Mrs. M. J. Harrison, for a short time. Mr. Dahle and family will make their homo In Logan for the winter. Mr. Alma Hendricks and family havo moved back to High Creek mill. The gentleman from Trenton, who was to tako the mill, tired of his bargain, and Mr. Hendricks will resume re-sume his old position there. Herbert Van Noy has enlisted in the army and left home last week. Mr. and Mrs. David Smith, Jr., aro happy over tho arrival of a son. Geo. Harris, son of C. Z. Harris, had his anklo badly bruised last woek by a horse he was riding, falling fall-ing ngalnst a fence, tho foot being caught between tho fence and horse. Ho is now using' crutches, as tho foot is badly swollen yet. The library has been closed threo days during the week, aUowing tho librarian the opportunity to attend the librarians' convention in Salt Lake City. The Rellor Socloty organization of Richmond hold their meetings in tho club room. They desiro a good attendance at-tendance at their geological class, Tuesday. Mrs. Brlgham Johnson, while visiting vis-iting at hor parents' homo In Proa-ton, Proa-ton, had a severe attack of appondl-citls. Mrs. Win. Thompson announces tho engagement of her daughter, Ewlyn, to Mr. Irwin Stoddard, the wedding to take placo in early October. Oc-tober. Mr. Ray Van Noy had a carload of peaches como In from Brlgham City, Tuesday. Mrs. Jano Thompson and babo have been vlBltlng with hor parents at Grace, Idaho. Mr. Earl Titensor and wife havo gono back to California, whero Mr. Tltonsor will resumo his studies In dentistry. Miss Floronco Morrill ontortalned tho Kcytlng club on Wednesday at a slumber party. Aroet Bright nnd wifo of Downey aro In their homo town on a visit Aroet Harris and N. P. Nelson are spending a fow days In Oontllo valley. Mr. aud Mrs. Wm. Merrill spent their 27th wedding anniversary surrounded sur-rounded by .their chltdron., last Sun-, Sun-, ?H' Jr'!' W?nr(MrrUl,.Mr. 8umk Larson and Mrs. Rhoda Hendricks BBB were also present. B A Freo Work bureau has been or- JBBh ganlzod in the South ward to tako BH care of all surplus fruit and vego- H 1 tables that are not noedod r.t some BBj homes. Theso supplies nre then BBB stored away In their stool granory. MBI Anyone having more than thoy need I BH of fruits and vegetables nnd wish to I IH donate, kindly lot one of these I H ladles know: Vllate Plant, Char- BbVbVJ lotto Johnson, Prlcllla Thompson, HBb Minnie Andrews, Fannie Balr, Jano rBBa Hendricks, Sarah Smith, and Motha ftBrflH Chrlstoffersen. I'jBJBJ A troussoau shower will bo given bVIbVJ Miss Pearl Potorson next Weduos- bUBh day. B A quilting committee has boen ap- bB pointed by Mrs. Lucy Merrill, presl- H dent ot tho Relief Society, and soma H very nice quilting has boen dono. BhTvJ Anyono haying quilts to mako may ILJ call up Mrs. Morrill for particulars, BHBH it .they wish those eUtem to do 'thorn. BBH -s BBBBBBBBBJ |