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Show The Pan Motor Co. I I Strongly Backed by Home Capital and Manned with a Highly I I Efficient Corps of Engineers. I I I THE PAN MOTOR COMPANY now has over four hundred local enthusiastic stockholders, among whom I I are most of the representative business men, professional men and financial' ii of St. Cloud, Minn. I H I This company never sold any stock at a discount. Every officer and director of this company has paid the7rsamef'price for his stock that everybody I H 9 else has had to pay. There is no promotion stock. This company's capital is unimpaired. Every cent of the par value of the stock will remain intact not I H 9 to be used except for the building of the factory, machinery, material, and paying for the factory site. I H j 9 REED & GLASIER of Indianapolis, Ind., two of the foremost automo- They are now building, in their own plant, some demonstrating cars for I H I bile designing engineers of America, are Consulting engineers for the Pan the Pan Motor Company, and this company will be able to begin making 9 H 9 Motor Company. delivery of cars within a few days. 9 B 9 O flF 7WA?V? ' ne Automobile Business is the safest business in the world, because the I 9 9 MMlVlMltlVMJMliM manufacturer sells for cash only. The Automobile Business is the most I 9 9 profitable business in the world, because the supply has never equaled the demand. I 1 I If you desire more information june kegerreis, I I 1 9 If x J 7 I Eccles Hotel, Logan, Utah. 9 I I till out coupon and mail to June without any obligation on my part whatsoevei, I 1 j- j-. i r f i ou kindly ca ant explain your proposition. I l I Kegerreis, Eccles Hotel, Logan, Name I I ' I Utah. I Address ' I 1 I I HdlV ft mnrP flaV in I Afian Opportunity comes more than once, but It I Ulll) 0 IIIUI t liapill LUyai! wm never break the door down to get In. LV IT1 i - iTheGirin Who Had j! No God... jj j A story of the i j redemption of the : jj daughter of a !j cunning despera- i :j do, raised without J: jj law 6r religion, ji jj ILfJO jj jj Our New jj Serial jj jj One of the latest j: jj and best stories j: jj by that well- j: :j known novelist J Mary J- i Roberts 5 RineJbiart f p.vvv..w.r,w.wAyAyw) T |