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Show B B' j ' WaUt ' ' " ' Optical difxtanmt la eluu-g of a BB Ckcka coapetot-ioptoetrtJt. Expert aU B 6 Jewelry J-J ' tontioa atvv to testing of ejea and BB IHaMond ' ' IWnR of glasse. B I Cat GUaa BB j Bllrerwar We have our own Ion grinding BB I ForanUta Fmm pUnt and itock of uncut lea. BB , 'J t'mbroUaa Drokon lenaea duplicated aad ro- BB Mh Daga placed In an hour. BB Wo' Make a Specialty of Pino Repairing. Conscientious car, BB ikllled workmanship, fair charges and broad prlenc bare BBf wmblnedlOjbuUd.UDjfor ua a Urge and well pleaacdcllantelle. I C. 4 AVENBELBbE iH I Jxwttlr flfcM IS bit rim Mnrth fltrat Lomn Utah B t BBS Take good care of your B shoes. A stitch in time, Hi you know. Have it done t t "Royally." Royal Shoe H Repairing Co., 7 Main St, H' Logan. J I If You Cannot Fight You can do your share In 'this, warby pushing 7our business harder buying regularly and thus help create the Imperatlvo prosperity with which alono this war can be won. An automobile, Mr. Farmer especially the Saxon Six will .-.'.''riel'p.yoVptts.'jrpu business harder:, Farm products aw.now AJnWm'alidUid'-hlgnlljrtce-Ve prevailing "Your wav,of pushing business Is to Increase your crops. A, Saxon Six .will help you do this. It will afford you a, quick means of trans- " portatlon, so that you may devote more time to your farm-thus farm-thus Increasing your profits. We are prepared to deliver, your Saxon Six to you now IlIGHT KOWt Come to our salesroom and pick out your Saxon, and start Increasing your profits Immediately. You wllllnd that the Saxon 's'lx will return full valuo for your money. A demonstration 'is yours Jor the asking. MOTOR SALES CORPORATION Logan, Utah. " I BACKWARD SEASON SALE BB I ; This Sale Began Saturday, Jane 9th and I I Ends Sa Way, Jne 23rd ' ' " ' BJ1 We are overstocked in all summer merchandise. We must unload re- BBBBBBS ,t gardless of prices. Our policy has been never to carry goods over from H one year to another more especially since styles have changed so often BBBJ H We feel that we would rather give you the benefit in the way of offer- H ing big inducements, in high class merchandise, for low prices. H h We have made great preparations in the way of large purchases for the spring and summer of 1917, knowing that merchandise was going to be scarce H ' R and prices soaring upwards almost daily. It is almost unbelievable that hundreds of articles in this linei has doubled its value since we have purchased it, six H I months ago. Our policy has been, it doesn't matter how high an article may go to, as long as we can make a living profit on the original price, we are perfectly H I willing to give our customers the full benefit of our living profit, on the original price; we fare perfectly willing to give our customers the full benefit of our H 1 anticipation and foresight. As you know this season is very backward and we feel that we only have four weeks left to sell 6ff 'our Summer goods. We are H R willing to make great sacrifices in every department in order to sell our entire stock. . I S Speeiai Inducement to Chautauqua Visitors K I There is no doubt many of the out-of-townpcople will visit Logan. There is no question that, there is a great week in store for you, as all preparations H I are being made for the benefit of those who have never had the pleasure of listening to many great speakers and entertainers. It will surely pay you to come H t I to Logan for that occasion, as well as the special inducements we have to offer you in this great unloading sale. If you do not want to buy a dollar's worth ' H i I of goods from us, we want you to come and visit our store and see for yourself what inducements we have to offer you, at this Special ISalc. I M(KF IFMK The Store That Saves You Money BAO IT All fl ' I flUOL LLTtIO OPPOSITE THE TABERNACLE LllUfl lg U I rill BBBBl JbbI BBMBBBBBMBBBMT- . - ma BBBBBBBBBBBBBjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBtafaiMSKjHH |